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    Read more about Applying the International Classification of Functioning, Disability & Health: A Team-Based/Project Based Course for Undergraduate Students

    Applying the International Classification of Functioning, Disability & Health: A Team-Based/Project Based Course for Undergraduate Students

    Copyright Year:

    Contributor: Schroder

    Publisher: East Tennessee State University

    License: CC BY-NC-SA

    This text is a complete team-based and project-based learning course focused on the application of the World Health Organization’s International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) to unique groups of program clients and patients. It is designed to engage undergraduate students in exploration of the different facets of the ICF, in how the ICF differs from medical and social models because of these facets, and how each applies to, and ensures, an awareness of all of the ways in which health affects and is affected by peoples’ characteristics and environments. The text includes readings, digital links, readiness assurance elements, and guidelines for individual and team deliverables, but can also be used as a stand-alone text to provide a rich constructivist approach to understanding the structure of the ICF and how to use it for problem solving and decision-making with a patient/client population.

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    Read more about Beginning Spanish ¡Empecemos por aquí!

    Beginning Spanish ¡Empecemos por aquí!

    Copyright Year:

    Contributors: Ceciliano and Notman

    Publisher: Portland State University Library

    License: CC BY-NC

    Beginning Spanish ¡Empecemos por aquí! focuses on the development of communication skills in interpretive, interpersonal, and presentational modes while centering student voices. Activities engage learners in real exchanges of information on topics that are relevant to adult students. In addition to language-acquisition learning outcomes, this text supports learning outcomes in diversity, equity, inclusion, cultural sustainability, and social justice.

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    Read more about Veterinary Preventive Medicine

    Veterinary Preventive Medicine

    Copyright Year:

    Contributor: Kustritz

    Publisher: University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing

    License: CC BY-NC

    Goals of preventive medicine are to protect, promote, and maintain health and well-being and to prevent disease, disability, and death. Veterinary preventive medicine is an important component of veterinary training not only to ensure animal health but also to help veterinary students learn necessary information and skills for participation in global animal and human health challenges and disease prevention.

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    Read more about The Australian Handbook for Careers in Psychological Science

    The Australian Handbook for Careers in Psychological Science

    Copyright Year:

    Contributors: Machin, Machin, Jeffries, and Hoare

    Publisher: University of Southern Queensland

    License: CC BY-NC

    Despite psychology being one of the most popular undergraduate programs, students often report not knowing how training in psychology relates to careers. With chapters written by experts across Australia, this book explores just some of the many ways that students can apply their training in psychological science across a variety of careers and sectors.

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    Read more about Reflexiones sobre nuestra lengua

    Reflexiones sobre nuestra lengua

    Copyright Year:

    Contributors: Hernández and Esteban Hernández

    Publisher: The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

    License: CC BY-NC-SA

    Reflexiones sobre nuestra lengua se compone de ocho unidades temáticas pertinentes a la realidad social de los hablantes de español como lengua de herencia en los Estados Unidos. Además de enfocarse en la escritura como un proceso, se enfatiza el desarrollo de una conciencia sociolingüística y crítica del lenguaje en esta población estudiantil.

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    Read more about Informed Arguments: A Guide to Writing and Research - Revised Second Edition

    Informed Arguments: A Guide to Writing and Research - Revised Second Edition

    Copyright Year:

    Contributors: Pantuso, LeMire, and Anders

    Publisher: Terri Pantuso, Sarah LeMire, and Kathy Anders

    License: CC BY-NC-SA

    Welcome to composition and rhetoric! While most of you are taking this course because it is required, we hope that all of you will leave with more confidence in your reading, writing, researching, and speaking abilities as these are all elements of freshman composition. Many times, these elements are presented in excellent textbooks written by top scholars. While the collaborators of this particular textbook respect and value those textbooks available from publishers, we have been concerned about students who do not have the resources to purchase textbooks. Therefore, we decided to put together this Open Educational Resource (OER) explicitly for use in freshman composition courses at Texas A&M University. It is important to note that the focus for this text is on thesis-driven argumentation as that is the focus of the first year writing course at Texas A&M University at the time of development. However, other first year writing courses at different colleges and universities include a variety of types of writing such as personal essays, informative articles, and/or creative writing pieces. The collaborators for this project acknowledge each program is unique; therefore, the adaptability of an OER textbook for first year writing allows for academic freedom across campuses.

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    Read more about Salón de Clase: Intermediate Spanish for Education Professionals

    Salón de Clase: Intermediate Spanish for Education Professionals

    Copyright Year:

    Contributors: Castro Ortiz and Zimotti

    Publisher: University of Iowa

    License: CC BY-NC

    Salón de clase, Intermediate Spanish for Education Professionals is a comprehensive intermediate Spanish open access textbook with reading, listening, speaking, and writing practice for students who have an interest and/or intend to pursue a career in the field of Education (teachers, administrators, counselors, psychologists, social workers, support staff members, paraprofessionals, among others). This Open Education Resource (OER) aims to explore the role of Spanish language and Spanish speakers in the American education system, as well as to improve student communicative abilities in Spanish. Salón de clase integrates interactive activities (h5p), video interviews with Spanish speakers to present authentic materials, and topics related to education. Grammar is not presented as a standalone topic, but it is seemly integrated into all parts of this book.

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    Read more about Neuroscience for Pre-Clinical Students

    Neuroscience for Pre-Clinical Students

    Copyright Year:

    Contributor: LeClair

    Publisher: Virginia Tech Publishing

    License: CC BY-NC-SA

    Neuroscience for Pre-Clinical Students covers neuroenergetics, neurotransmitters, neuropeptides, and selected amino acid metabolism and degradation. This USMLE-aligned text is designed for a first-year undergraduate medical course and is meant to provide the essential biochemical information from these content areas in a concise format to enable students to engage in an active classroom. Hence, it does not cover neurophysiology and neuroanatomy; and clinical correlates and additional application of content are intended to be provided in the classroom experience. The text assumes that the students will have completed medical school prerequisites (including the MCAT) in which they will have been introduced to the most fundamental concepts of biology and chemistry that are essential to understand the content presented here. With its focus on high-yield concepts, this resource will assist the learner later in medical school and for exam preparation.

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    Read more about Write or Left

    Write or Left

    Copyright Year:

    Contributor: Priebe

    Publisher: Sybil Priebe

    License: CC BY-NC-SA

    In this book, we'll go over some of the general principles of writing practices as well as advice and tips on how to write creatively, but mainly, you’ll be introduced to as many genres and categories as possible. We won’t get bogged down in doing the writing process “perfectly” or creating “perfect literature.” The goal is to learn about as many genres as possible, practice writing in those genres, and get feedback.

    (6 reviews)


    Read more about Introduction to Philosophy: Aesthetic Theory and Practice

    Introduction to Philosophy: Aesthetic Theory and Practice

    Copyright Year:

    Contributors: Saito , Sonderegger , and Kleesattel 

    Publisher: Rebus Community

    License: CC BY

    Aesthetic Theory and Practice offers fresh perspectives on canonical and emerging topics in aesthetics, and also brings attention to a number of culturally sensitive topics that are customarily silenced in introductions to philosophical aesthetics. The papers are heterogeneous in terms of length and degrees of difficulty, inviting the reader into the study of contemporary aesthetics, which spans a lifetime.

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