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    Read more about The DEI Metadata Handbook: A Guide to Diverse, Equitable, and Inclusive Description

    The DEI Metadata Handbook: A Guide to Diverse, Equitable, and Inclusive Description

    Copyright Year:

    Contributors: Wintermute, Campbell, and Dieckman

    Publisher: Iowa State University Digital Press

    License: CC BY

    Written primarily for professionals in library and information science but with applicability to archives and other information management industries, this handbook provides an overview of metadata work that focuses on diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). DEI metadata work has several goals: enhancing diverse representation in descriptive metadata; improving discovery of diverse resources; and mitigating negative effects of inaccurate, outdated, or offensive terminology. Readers will gain a broad awareness of DEI-related issues in metadata creation and management; learn techniques for retroactively reviewing and updating existing metadata to address these issues; and develop strategies to create metadata that better meets DEI needs.

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    Read more about Français inclusif: An Interactive Textbook for French 201

    Français inclusif: An Interactive Textbook for French 201

    Copyright Year:

    Contributors: Hoye and Devereux Herbeck

    Publisher: Boise State University

    License: CC BY-NC-SA

    Français inclusif is an inclusive, four-semester French curriculum that celebrates the diversity of the francophone world and our students' unique perspectives and ways of living. The instructional materials emphasize developing 21st-century skills and preparing students for their future careers. Materials available for each level include a textbook, assessments, instructor slide decks, and cultural reflections. This interactive textbook for French 201 (Level 3) contains four modules, each focused on thematic vocabulary, grammar, and interactive exercises: Les médias et communications, Mode/forme/et santé, Les études, and La vie professionnelle. Within the textbook, students can study vocabulary using flashcards, review grammar concepts, and test their comprehension via interactive exercises.

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    Read more about Français inclusif: An Interactive Textbook for French 102

    Français inclusif: An Interactive Textbook for French 102

    Copyright Year:

    Contributors: Hoye, Devereux Herbeck, and Spring

    Publisher: Boise State University

    License: CC BY-NC-SA

    Français inclusif is an inclusive, four-semester French curriculum that celebrates the diversity of the francophone world and our students' unique perspectives and ways of living. The instructional materials emphasize developing 21st-century skills and preparing students for their future careers. Materials available for each level include a textbook, assessments, instructor slide decks, and cultural reflections. This interactive textbook for French 102 (Level 2) contains four modules, each focused on thematic vocabulary, grammar, and interactive exercises: Bon appétit, La ville, Les fêtes, and Chez moi. Within the textbook, students can study vocabulary using flashcards, review grammar concepts, and test their comprehension via interactive exercises.

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    Read more about Français inclusif: An Interactive Textbook for French 101

    Français inclusif: An Interactive Textbook for French 101

    Copyright Year:

    Contributors: Hoye, Devereux Herbeck, Campbell, and Duvall

    Publisher: Boise State University

    License: CC BY-NC-SA

    Français inclusif is an inclusive, four-semester French curriculum that celebrates the diversity of the francophone world and our students' unique perspectives and ways of living. The instructional materials emphasize developing 21st-century skills and preparing students for their future careers. Materials available for each level include a textbook, assessments, instructor slide decks, and cultural reflections. This interactive textbook for French 101 (Level 1) contains four modules, each focused on thematic vocabulary, grammar, and interactive exercises: Bonjour, Les vacances, Me voici, and L’identité. Within the textbook, students can study vocabulary using flashcards, review grammar concepts, and test their comprehension via interactive exercises.

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    Read more about Building Cost Planning: Best Practices and Insights

    Building Cost Planning: Best Practices and Insights

    Copyright Year:

    Contributors: Jayawickrama, Jayasinghe, Kahandawa, Rameezdeen, Leelarathne, and Gamage

    Publisher: Council of Australian University Librarians

    License: CC BY-NC

    This book focuses on the cost planning of building construction projects with special reference to the Australian and New Zealand context. Design development and cost planning with elemental analysis are emphasised in the pre-construction cost management process in the region. This book translates the well-established practice of pre-construction cost management process in the construction industry into a published academic and professional resource which can be used for teaching higher education students and for professional training programs.

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    Read more about El derecho sucesorio y las legítimas: ¿Un equilibrio entre la autonomía testamentaria y la protección de los herederos forzosos?

    El derecho sucesorio y las legítimas: ¿Un equilibrio entre la autonomía testamentaria y la protección de los herederos forzosos?

    Copyright Year:

    Contributors: Samaniego-Quiguiri, Campoverde-Jiménez, Astudillo-Bermeo, Urbano-Urbano, Erazo-Domínguez, Puente-Heredia, Guano-Fogacho, Aroca-Rivadeneira, Yánez-Erazo, and Andachi-Trujillo

    Publisher: Editorial Grupo AEA

    License: CC BY-NC-SA

    El derecho sucesorio, una rama del derecho privado, se ocupa de regular el traspaso de los bienes y derechos pertenecientes a un individuo fallecido hacia sus herederos. Este proceso, conocido como sucesión mortis causa, tiene como objetivo principal armonizar la libertad de disposición testamentaria del difunto con la salvaguardia de los herederos forzosos, aquellos que legalmente tienen derecho a recibir una porción de la herencia. Dentro del ámbito del derecho sucesorio, se establecen disposiciones normativas que rigen la distribución de los activos, así como los criterios de validez y formalidad de los testamentos. Además, se definen las legítimas, las cuales representan las porciones de la herencia destinadas a ser reservadas obligatoriamente para los herederos forzosos. Esta rama legal desempeña un papel fundamental en garantizar una distribución justa y equitativa de los bienes y derechos de una persona fallecida, al mismo tiempo que protege los derechos de los herederos forzosos y respeta la voluntad testamentaria del fallecido.

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    Read more about Revelando la Verdad: El Papel del Whistleblowing en la Preservación de la Integridad Estatal. Un Análisis de su Impacto en los ámbitos Penal, Administrativo y Financiero, explorando los desafíos y soluciones legales.

    Revelando la Verdad: El Papel del Whistleblowing en la Preservación de la Integridad Estatal. Un Análisis de su Impacto en los ámbitos Penal, Administrativo y Financiero, explorando los desafíos y soluciones legales.

    Copyright Year:

    Contributors: Samaniego-Quiguiri, Bonilla-Morejón, Pérez-Serrano, Salazar-Guerrero, Erazo-Domínguez, Yánez-Erazo, Calles-Poveda, and Quiroz-Becerra

    Publisher: Editorial Grupo AEA

    License: CC BY-NC-SA

    El Whistleblowing, conocido como “aquel que alerta” es esencial en la lucha contra la corrupción, ya que los whistleblowers identifican y reportan conductas ilícitas, contribuyendo así a la integridad estatal y al bien público. En varios Estados la corrupción alcanzada su más alto nivel conllevando pérdidas económicas significativas, en esta obra destacamos que el Whistleblowing se convierte en una herramienta vital, descubriendo un gran porcentaje de fraudes. Por lo tanto, es crucial implementar canales de denuncia efectivos y proteger a los informantes para combatir la corrupción y promover una administración pública ética y transparente. Este sistema no solo busca prevenir delitos, sino también corregir el mal gobierno en la administración pública. El Estado debería buscar estrategias prácticas para tutelar aquellos que denuncian prácticas indebidas, porque su valentía contribuye al bienestar del interés público. Transformándose los “whistlwblowers” en una pieza fundamental en la lucha contra la corrupción y en la promoción de una administración ética y transparente.

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    Read more about Chromosomes, Genes, and Traits: An Introduction to Genetics

    Chromosomes, Genes, and Traits: An Introduction to Genetics

    Copyright Year:

    Contributor: Simons

    Publisher: ROTEL

    License: CC BY-NC-SA

    This resource is written for an introductory or intermediate-level college genetics course. The work begins with an exploration of DNA and genome structure, including landmark experiments that contributed to our early understanding of the relationship between DNA, genes, and traits. It continues with the central dogma of molecular genetics: the molecular mechanisms that allow cells to use the information stored in DNA. It also discusses the cause and effect of mutation. The molecular processes are then linked back to classical transmission genetics experiments.

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    Read more about Let's Chat! Arabic

    Let's Chat! Arabic

    Copyright Year:

    Contributors: Hoye, Arispe, and Cambell

    Publisher: Boise State University

    License: CC BY-NC-SA

    Let’s Chat! Arabic features a collection of over 55 interpersonal speaking activities for novice and intermediate learners. Touching on a range of thematic topics such as greetings, daily routines, health, eating out, holidays and so much more, Arabic teachers are sure to find an activity to use in their courses. These activities may be used as is or can easily be revised and remixed to fit the unique needs of individual classrooms.

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    Read more about Let's Chat! Spanish

    Let's Chat! Spanish

    Copyright Year:

    Contributors: Hoye and Arispe

    Publisher: Boise State University

    License: CC BY-NC-SA

    Let’s Chat! Spanish features a collection of over 100 interpersonal speaking activities for novice and intermediate learners. Touching on a range of thematic topics such as free time activities, travel, daily routines, health, the environment, art and so much more, Spanish teachers are sure to find an activity to use in their courses. These activities may be used as is or can easily be revised and remixed to fit the unique needs of individual classrooms.

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