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    Read more about Fundamentos Teóricos de Química Inorgánica

    Fundamentos Teóricos de Química Inorgánica

    Copyright Year:

    Contributors: Sánchez Clara Isabel, Feijoo Robinson Jasmany, and Salgado María de Lourdes

    Publisher: Editorial Grupo AEA

    License: CC BY-NC-SA

    Conocer los fundamentos teóricos de la química inorgánica es esencial para comprender los conceptos y principios esenciales de esta rama de la química, que se enfoca en el estudio de los elementos y compuestos inorgánicos; proporcionando una base teórica sólida para el estudio de otras áreas de esta ciencia. "Fundamentos Teóricos de Química Inorgánica", además de temas clave de la química inorgánica, como la teoría del enlace de valencia y la química de los elementos, también cubre temas importantes como la estructura de la materia, la teoría cuántica, la estequiometría y la clasificación de las reacciones químicas. Asimismo, se destaca la inclusión de temas relacionados con la medición de las propiedades de la materia, la descripción de los sistemas dispersos, entre otros. El objetivo de este libro es brindar una base sólida de conocimientos en química inorgánica, que permita al lector comprender los principios y fundamentos teóricos que rigen esta disciplina, con un enfoque claro y didáctico. El libro proporciona un excelente recurso tanto para estudiantes como para docentes. Razón por la que, "Fundamentos Teóricos de Química Inorgánica" es una obra esencial para aquellos que deseen profundizar en el conocimiento de la química inorgánica y comprender mejor sus conceptos fundamentales.

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    Read more about La hora del cuento en español

    La hora del cuento en español

    Copyright Year:

    Contributors: Rojas-Primus, Rodríguez, and Pokeda

    Publisher: Kwantlen Polytechnic University

    License: CC BY-NC

    La hora del cuento en español is a collection of children’s stories in Spanish authored by Kwantlen Polytechnic University (KPU) students and edited by KPU Faculty Constanza Rojas-Primus and KPU alumna Sofía Rodríguez. The first part of this collection is a selection of stories written by KPU Spanish 1100 students between Fall 2017 and Spring 2019 as a result of a collaboration between KPU Spanish and Guildford Public Library Language Literacy Program “Storytime in Spanish”. The second part of this collection is a selection of stories written by KPU Spanish 1101 students between Fall 2020 and Spring 2022 as a result of an interuniversity collaboration in support of UNESCO´s Sustainable Development Goals Agenda 2030. All stories are narrated by Constanza Rojas-Primus and have been translated into English by Sofía Rodríguez. The illustrations in the cover and first part of this collection are artwork of KPU Fine Arts student Cheyenne Pokeda.

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    Read more about An Intuitive, Interactive, Introduction to Biostatistics

    An Intuitive, Interactive, Introduction to Biostatistics

    Copyright Year:

    Contributors: Ward and Nolte

    Publisher: University of Iowa

    License: CC BY-NC

    "An Intuitive, Interactive Introduction to Biostatistics" is an introductory statistics textbook oriented towards towards undergraduate students in the health sciences. While covering the breadth of material typically presented in a first semester statistics course, including introductions to probability and distributions, study design, CLT, hypothesis testing, and inference, IIIB distinguishes itself with its focus on cultivating student intuition through the use of guided questions and interactive simulation-based applets. Written in R, this open-source text has been created with customizability in mind, offering instructors maximal flexibility in arranging and modifying the content.

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    Read more about Supporting English Language Learners in First-Year College Composition

    Supporting English Language Learners in First-Year College Composition

    Copyright Year:

    Contributors: Bayraktar, George, and Schetchikova

    Publisher: VIVA

    License: CC BY-NC-SA

    Supporting ELLs in FYC is organized around five key essays, selected to coordinate with the essay styles commonly taught in first-year/first-semester composition courses.

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    Read more about Human Geography

    Human Geography

    Copyright Year:

    Contributors: Rosenfeld and Burtch

    Publisher: VIVA

    License: CC BY-NC-SA

    Welcome to Human Geography! If you are interested in how humans interact with the environment and how human systems are geographically distributed over space, then you’ve found your place. We hope that find this textbook useful and enjoyable; please dive in by clicking “Contents” to immerse yourself in all-things-human geography.

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    Read more about Processes: Writing Across Academic Careers

    Processes: Writing Across Academic Careers

    Copyright Year:

    Contributors: Iverson and Ehrenfeld

    Publisher: Milne Open Textbooks

    License: CC BY-NC-SA

    Processes: Writing Across Academic Careers is an edited collection featuring writing from students, faculty, and staff at Farmingdale State College, a State University of New York (SUNY) campus on Long Island. Each contributor reflects on their own writing as well as writing in their fields/disciplines. Namely, they reflect on their writing processes, hence the name of the book.

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    Read more about Programación Web del Frontend al Backend

    Programación Web del Frontend al Backend

    Copyright Year:

    Contributors: Celí Párraga, Boné Andrade, and Mora Olivero

    Publisher: Editorial Grupo AEA

    License: CC BY-NC-SA

    En este libro se investigó los fundamentos de la programación web, así como las tecnologías esenciales para lograr crear aplicaciones web, tales como HTML y CSS. Se documentó los conceptos básicos de la programación Frontend utilizando el lenguaje de programación JavaScript, se documentó también los conceptos de la programación Backend utilizando el lenguaje de programación PHP. Este libro tiene como objetivo involucrarse en la programación web iniciando con el estudio del Frontend hasta el Backend con los conceptos básicos, códigos y ejemplos, utilizando tecnologías de programación gratuitas accesibles para cualquier estudiante, para llegar a crear aplicaciones dinámicas con acceso a base de datos. Como resultado se obtuvo que se puede llegar a crear aplicaciones web complejas utilizando tecnologías actuales gratuitas, con un diseño agradable, diseñándolo fácilmente con un Framework CSS como Bootstrap, y utilizando JQuery como una librería para crear rápidamente aplicaciones con JavaScript. Se utilizó además PHP por ser uno de los lenguajes más utilizados para crear aplicaciones conectadas a bases de datos MySQL.

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    Read more about Conversaciones Corrientes: Temas de Cultura y Sociedad

    Conversaciones Corrientes: Temas de Cultura y Sociedad

    Contributors: Massery, Bordera, and Larrea-Rubio

    Publisher: Laurie Massery

    License: CC BY-NC-SA

    This book is designed to facilitate conversation in Spanish among intermediate and post-intermediate learners of Spanish. The following online textbook allows students to read about, review and discuss interesting, entertaining and relevant topics that will undoubtedly elicit conversation and friendly debate among classmates. Topics including spirituality, family design, life choices, social norms and even history and its impact on Generation Z, are discussed.

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    Read more about Symbiotic Posthumanist Ecologies in Western Literature, Philosophy and Art: Towards Theory and Practice Volume 11

    Symbiotic Posthumanist Ecologies in Western Literature, Philosophy and Art: Towards Theory and Practice Volume 11

    Copyright Year:

    Contributors: Karpouzou and Zampaki

    Publisher: Peter Lang

    License: CC BY

    Through the burgeoning fields of Posthumanities and Environmental Humanities, this edition examines the changing conception of human subjectivity, agency, and citizenship as shaped by the dynamic interplays between nature, technology, science, and culture. The proposed ‘symbiotic turn’, (the awareness of the multitude of interactions and mutual interdependencies among humans, non-humans and their environment) aspires to explore the complex recompositions of the “human” in the 21st century. By organizing and promoting interdisciplinary dialogue at multiple levels, both in theory and practice, Symbiotic Posthumanist Ecologies is suggested as a new narrative about the biosphere and technosphere, which is embodied literarily, philosophically, and artistically.

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    Read more about Introductory Algebra

    Introductory Algebra

    Copyright Year:

    Contributor: Gloag

    Publisher: Independent

    License: CC BY-NC-SA

    Introductory Algebra provides a comprehensive introduction of variables, functionsand linear equations and gives students a solid foundation in algebra.

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