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    Read more about Equilibrium Displacement Models: Theory, Applications, & Policy Analysis

    Equilibrium Displacement Models: Theory, Applications, & Policy Analysis

    Copyright Year:

    Contributors: Brester, Atwood, and Boland

    Publisher: University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing

    License: CC BY-NC

    Applied economists frequently use equilibrium displacement models (EDMs), also termed linear elasticity models, for policy analyses because they can be used to estimate changes in prices and quantities that result from exogenous economic or policy shocks. These models are also widely used to estimate changes in producer and consumer surplus caused by exogenous economic shocks and to quantify the short- and long-term impacts of a variety of economic and regulatory actions across multiple markets. For the first time, a textbook that contains all of the theory and applications of EDMs along with a set of spreadsheet files is available in one place.

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    Read more about Gestión del Cambio como Fundamento de la Dirección Estratégica

    Gestión del Cambio como Fundamento de la Dirección Estratégica

    Copyright Year:

    Contributors: Terán-Guerrero, Guerrero-Espinosa, Vizcaíno-Villavicencio, Gaibor-Mendoza, Pico-Lescano, and Sandoval-Cárdenas

    Publisher: Editorial Grupo AEA

    License: CC BY-NC-SA

    El libro es una obra completa que examina la integración vital de la dirección estratégica y la gestión del cambio. El primer capítulo argumenta que el cambio estratégico es un componente crucial de la dirección estratégica, destacando la necesidad de anticipar y adaptarse a las fluctuaciones en el entorno de negocio. El segundo capítulo presenta la dirección estratégica como un modelo de cambio, subrayando la importancia de alinear la estrategia con la visión y los objetivos de la empresa para impulsar el cambio efectivo. El capítulo final analiza las competencias esenciales necesarias para la dirección estratégica, enfatizando en habilidades como el liderazgo, la toma de decisiones informada y la gestión de la incertidumbre. Esta obra es una guía esencial para aquellos que buscan comprender y aplicar efectivamente la gestión del cambio en un marco estratégico.

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    Read more about Exploring the U.S. Healthcare System

    Exploring the U.S. Healthcare System

    Copyright Year:

    Contributor: Valaitis

    Publisher: University of West Florida Pressbooks

    License: CC BY-NC-SA

    Welcome to Exploring the U.S. Healthcare System. This open educational resource (OER) introduces students to foundational characteristics of the U.S. healthcare system. It begins with an overview of the healthcare system that includes a brief history and a description of the current state of health in the U.S. The second chapter describes health delivery systems, including inpatient, outpatient, post-acute, longterm, palliative, and hospice care. An introduction to health insurance in the third chapter will include an overview of basic concepts, private insurance, public insurance, and recent trends. The fourth chapter presents issues related to the triple aim of improving access to care, increasing the quality of care, and lowering the cost of care. The fifth chapter reviews how the government intervenes in healthcare and presents current policy issues related to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and value-based contracting. The final chapter on the topic of technology in healthcare provides an overview of health information technology, health information legislation, emerging technologies, and the future of health information technology. Chapter content is supplemented with additional material such as reports, briefs, figures, infographics, definitions, and key terms. Chapters two through six end with a “knowledge check” exercise to actively engage students with the content. While this OER book was curated and created for undergraduate students in the field of healthcare, it is my hope that it will continue to be customized to other programs and shared again.

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    Read more about Web Writing - First Edition

    Web Writing - First Edition

    Copyright Year:

    Contributor: Pfannenstiel

    Publisher: The Pennsylvania Alliance for Design of Open Textbooks (PA-ADOPT)

    License: CC BY-SA

    Web Writing (2023) by Dr. A Nicole Pfannenstiel is designed to provide a practical, rhetorical approach to web writing and content strategy analysis for students completing advanced writing courses. The eTextbook uses the rhetorical situation and key concepts to help readers/students understand how to write within specific web spaces for specific audiences drawing on appropriate discourse community conventions. It includes a chapter devoted to the rhetorical situation and key concepts to help students analyze and build their understanding of existing communication. It also includes a chapter outlining approaches to content strategy analysis, using the rhetorical situation and key concepts to understand the rich public data provided through social media accounts to support learners understanding effective web writing. The content analysis overview helps students build skills for analyzing writing, for collecting and analyzing qualitative and quantitative social media data, and for drawing conclusions about content strategy best practices.

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    Read more about Introduction to Women’s & Gender Studies - First Edition

    Introduction to Women’s & Gender Studies - First Edition

    Copyright Year:

    Contributor: Clemens

    Publisher: The Pennsylvania Alliance for Design of Open Textbooks (PA-ADOPT)

    License: CC BY-SA

    Introduction to Women’s and Gender Studies (2023) is an eTextbook designed to provide an introduction to the fields of Women’s Studies and Gender Studies for students taking introductory courses. The textbook touches on a variety of subjects including gender theories, feminisms, intersectionality, equity, and activism. Chapters contain questions to consider and list of suggested readings by theorists and activists. This multimedia eTextbook incorporates videos and podcasts to create a rich introductory experience for students.

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    Read more about Chemistry Techniques and Explorations: An Introductory Chemistry Laboratory Manual - First Edition

    Chemistry Techniques and Explorations: An Introductory Chemistry Laboratory Manual - First Edition

    Copyright Year:

    Contributor: Albert

    Publisher: The Pennsylvania Alliance for Design of Open Textbooks (PA-ADOPT)

    License: CC BY-SA

    Chemistry Techniques and Explorations (2023) by Dr. Daniel R. Albert is an eTextbook laboratory manual for first semester introductory chemistry courses. The manual includes two different types of experiments (Technique and Exploration) designed to engage students in chemistry laboratory practices. Technique laboratories are designed for students to learn and practice chemistry laboratory skills that are utilized in a wide variety of disciplines. Exploration laboratories provide freedom and time for students to use previously acquired skills toward answering a new application focused question. Exploration laboratories help build the scientific thinking skills necessary to approach novel problems. The goal of this lab manual is to build both fundamental techniques and problem-solving skills that aid students in becoming practicing scientists.

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    Read more about Laboratory Manual: General Chemistry I Honors - First Edition

    Laboratory Manual: General Chemistry I Honors - First Edition

    Copyright Year:

    Contributor: Adeyiga

    Publisher: The Pennsylvania Alliance for Design of Open Textbooks (PA-ADOPT)

    License: CC BY-NC-SA

    General Chemistry I Honors Laboratory Manual (2023) is an eTextbook designed to provide a practical, hands-on approach to learning chemistry for students taking General Chemistry I Honors courses. The manual covers fundamental principles of chemistry, including atomic structure, chemical bonding, stoichiometry, gas laws, and thermodynamics. The book is divided into chapters, each focusing on a specific topic. Each experiment in the manual is accompanied by step-by-step instructions, pre-lab questions, and post-lab questions, helping students to develop their analytical and problem-solving skills.

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    Read more about Theory Fundamentals Workbook

    Theory Fundamentals Workbook

    Copyright Year:

    Contributor: Young

    Publisher: Montana State University

    License: CC BY

    This workbook is a practical method for learning the rudiments of music, which are essential to a thorough understanding of music in general. Designed as a supplement to professional instruction rather than a manual for self instruction, the text is intentionally brief. The emphasis is on using practical exercises to develop fluency. Aural, vocal, and keyboard skills must be integrated into the study of music theory from the very beginning. I encourage all students, regardless of their principal instrument, to learn to hear, sing, and play on the piano everything that they do in theory. All exercises in this book should be completed thoroughly. Usually a sample will be completed in brackets for each exercise, as a demonstration. Fluency with these basic materials of music will be a great asset to any further musical endeavors. For students who need additional exercises, suggestions for further study will be given.

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    Read more about Methods of Teaching Early Literacy

    Methods of Teaching Early Literacy

    Copyright Year:

    Contributors: Gurjar, Meacham, and Beecher

    Publisher: Iowa State University Digital Press

    License: CC BY

    This textbook covers theories, teaching strategies, and instructional materials pertinent to teaching reading and writing in grades PK-3, with an emphasis on integrating reading, writing, speaking, and listening, as well as integration across content areas while addressing diversity and inclusion.

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    Read more about Foundations of Aural Skills

    Foundations of Aural Skills

    Copyright Year:

    Contributor: Chenette

    Publisher: Utah Education Network Digital Press with Pressbooks

    License: CC BY-SA

    Foundations of Aural Skills is a research-based, accessible, relevant, creative, inclusive, empowering textbook for teaching introductory aural skills. The first seven chapters provide thorough instruction in aural fundamentals, allowing students to build their foundations from a variety of starting points. The following chapters address the traditional tasks of sight-reading and dictation, but also improvisation, mimicking music you hear (“playback”), transcription, and ensemble skills. The final two chapters add some basic form- and chord-listening skills. Every section includes creative activities that learners can try out on their own or do in class. Embedded playlists for practicing listening skills include a diverse range of music that will connect with students’ preferences and allow them to experience music they haven’t worked with before. While the text is primarily designed for a first semester or year of instruction, it also includes some instruction on modulation, chromaticism, and mixed meter, and future additions/development will make these advanced applications more robust.

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