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    Read more about Thinking Rhetorically: Writing for Professional and Public Audiences

    Thinking Rhetorically: Writing for Professional and Public Audiences

    Copyright Year:

    Contributor: Department of Writing Studies, Rhetoric, and Composition

    Publisher: Roger Williams University Open Publishing

    License: CC BY-NC-SA

    Thinking Rhetorically: Writing in Professional and Public Contexts is dedicated to introducing students to a lifelong commitment of engaging with these problems that matter. As an academic discipline, Writing Studies’ contribution to engaging with problems can be applied to all areas of study and to all types of problems because we focus on the way language itself—discourse—is created and exchanged in the service of engaging problems. Writing Studies deepens students’ rhetorical awareness of how the ongoing conversations between groups of people shape and express the problems that matter.

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    Read more about Romance Lands and Conservation in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem

    Romance Lands and Conservation in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem

    Copyright Year:

    Contributor: Johnson

    Publisher: Montana State University

    License: CC BY

    To fully grasp the significance of this story we explore the history of the West, the development of Yellowstone National Park, something about the discipline of conservation biology and related policy sciences, Grizzly bear recovery, and eventually the contemporary economy and social setting of the region. The Greater Yellowstone is a model of how to build a regional system of international importance and local well-being.

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    Read more about Critical Thinking in Academic Research - Second Edition

    Critical Thinking in Academic Research - Second Edition

    Copyright Year:

    Contributors: Gruwell and Ewing

    Publisher: Minnesota State Colleges and Universities

    License: CC BY-SA

    Critical Thinking in Academic Research - 2nd Edition provides examples and easy-to-understand explanations to equip students with the skills to develop research questions, evaluate and choose the right sources, search for information, and understand arguments. This 2nd Edition includes new content based on student feedback as well as additional interactive elements throughout the text.

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    Read more about Air Safety Investigation: The Journey

    Air Safety Investigation: The Journey

    Copyright Year:

    Contributor: Schuurman

    Publisher: TU Delft Open

    License: CC BY

    "Air Safety Investigation – The Journey" is an introductory book that explores the world of air safety investigation. Unlike a how-to manual for investigating aviation accidents, this book focuses on the essential knowledge and mindset required to conduct a safety investigation. It covers the various phases of an investigation, from gathering facts to formulating safety recommendations, with each chapter addressing a different relevant aspect. With the increasing complexity of investigations, critical thinking, logic, and speculation are essential skills for investigators to possess. This book delves into these topics, offering thought-provoking examples and questions to address the challenges of drawing conclusions and obtaining positive investigative outcomes. Its aim is to help students and readers interested in air safety develop the necessary mindset and knowledge to conduct an investigation. By the end of the book, readers will gain a deeper understanding of the complexities involved in an air safety investigation.

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    Read more about Biomedical Engineering Lab Manual Volume 2

    Biomedical Engineering Lab Manual Volume 2

    Copyright Year:

    Contributor: Breen

    Publisher: SHAREOK

    License: CC BY-NC-SA

    The lab manual was written as the second installment that coincides with two lab courses taught at the University of Oklahoma (BME3171, BME3181). These courses are designed to provide Biomedical Engineering students with lab skills and experience in biomedical engineering research and clinical techniques. This manual is used with BME3181 Biomedical Engineering Lab 2 and the following wet lab topics are covered in this lab manual; bioimaging, cell culture, tissue engineering, live-dead and DNA assays.

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    Read more about Biomedical Engineering Lab Manual Volume 1

    Biomedical Engineering Lab Manual Volume 1

    Copyright Year:

    Contributor: Breen

    Publisher: SHAREOK

    License: CC BY-NC-SA

    The lab manual was written as the first installment that coincides with two lab courses taught at the University of Oklahoma (BME3171, BME3181). These courses are designed to provide Biomedical Engineering students with lab skills and experience in biomedical engineering research and clinical techniques. This manual is used with BME3171 Lab 1 and the following topics are covered in this lab manual; functional human models, musculoskeletal lever systems, bioimaging (ultrasound), bioelectricity (electromyography), & uni-axial testing.

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    Read more about Writing Spaces at Oklahoma State University

    Writing Spaces at Oklahoma State University

    Copyright Year:

    Contributors: Howard, O'Neil, Driscoll, Daniel, Meints, Essmiller, Stewart, Vetter, Daniels-Lerberg, DiFruscio, Tinsley, Recchia, and Garcia-Boswell

    Publisher: Oklahoma State University

    License: CC BY

    This resource focuses on the various processes involved in researching answers to various inquiry questions and building effective arguments within and outside academic contexts. The curriculum takes students through the processes of listening/summarizing, asking questions, characterizing scholarly debates, and entering those debates in order to meaningfully contribute to ongoing conversations.

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    Read more about Developing Human Potential: A Personal Approach to Leadership

    Developing Human Potential: A Personal Approach to Leadership

    Copyright Year:

    Contributors: Matkin, Headrick, and Sunderman

    Publisher: University of Nebraska Pressbooks

    License: CC BY-NC

    This Online Educational Resource (OER) textbook provides an overview and introduction to personal leadership through the lens of how students can develop and maximize their own interpersonal skills. Interpersonal skills are crucial to navigating the professional world and can help us to better understand ourselves. This textbook approaches interpersonal skills from a personal level and allows the reader to immerse themselves into activities and scholarship across topical areas. Through the text, learners can create their own Personal Leadership Philosophy and expand this into a Civic Leadership Philosophy to help them understand the impact leaders can have on their communities and workplaces.

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    Read more about Sinergia Científica: Integrando las Ciencias desde una Perspectiva Multidisciplinaria

    Sinergia Científica: Integrando las Ciencias desde una Perspectiva Multidisciplinaria

    Copyright Year:

    Contributors: Guamán Rivera, Herrera-Feijoo, Paredes-Peralta, Ruiz-Sánchez, Bonilla-Morejón, Samaniego-Quiguiri, Paredes-Fierro, Fernández-Vélez, Almeida-Blacio, and Rivadeneira-Moreira

    Publisher: Editorial Grupo AEA

    License: CC BY-NC-SA

    "Sinergia Científica: Integrando las Ciencias desde una Perspectiva Multidisciplinaria" es un compendio de estudios que abarcan diversas disciplinas, uniendo la ciencia en un esfuerzo colectivo para resolver problemas complejos. El primer capítulo presenta una innovación en la cuyicultura sostenible, explorando la suplementación alimenticia con harina de amaranto y cúrcuma en cuyes. El segundo capítulo se adentra en el ámbito social, analizando los Derechos Humanos desde la perspectiva de las poblaciones vulnerables. En el tercer capítulo, se introduce un enfoque innovador en ingeniería civil, utilizando polímeros reciclados para el diseño de revestimientos de cunetas. El cuarto capítulo examina el impacto económico de la facturación electrónica en el sector de imprentas, un avance tecnológico crucial en la era digital. Finalmente, el quinto capítulo explora la influencia del neuromarketing en la rentabilidad de las PYMES, uniendo la neurociencia y el marketing para optimizar las estrategias comerciales. Este libro es un testimonio de cómo la integración multidisciplinaria puede conducir a soluciones innovadoras y sostenibles.

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    Read more about Peculado Doloso y el Principio de Proporcionalidad de la Pena

    Peculado Doloso y el Principio de Proporcionalidad de la Pena

    Copyright Year:

    Contributors: Estrada-Ayre and Porras-Sarmiento

    Publisher: Editorial Grupo AEA

    License: CC BY-NC-SA

    El presente trabajo se inicia del problema cuando se investiga de qué manera al sancionar con una misma pena en el delito de Peculado Doloso afecta el principio de proporcionalidad, por lo que es necesario remitirnos al artículo 387 del Código Penal, cuyo tenor es como sigue: El funcionario o servidor público que se apropia o utiliza, en cualquier forma, para sí o para otro, caudales o efectos cuya percepción, administración o custodia le estén confiados por razón de su cargo, será reprimido con pena privativa de la libertad no menor de dos ni mayor de ocho años. Constituye circunstancia agravante si los caudales o efectos estuvieran destinados a fines asistenciales o a programas de apoyo social. En estos casos, la pena privativa de la libertad será no menor de cuatro ni mayor de diez años. Según lo establecido por el Acuerdo Plenario N.° 4-2005/CJ-116, Pleno jurisdiccional de las Salas Penales Permanentes y Transitoria de la Corte Suprema de Justicia, los elementos del tipo penal de peculado son (i) la existencia de una relación funcional, (ii) la percepción, administración o custodia, (iii) apropiación o utilización, (iv) el destinatario: para sí o para un tercero, (v) caudales y efectos. El resultado fue que al sancionar con una misma pena en el delito de Peculado Doloso en su modalidad de apropiación y utilización visten de igual contenido de ilicitud, pese a las diferencias si las apreciamos desde una perspectiva patrimonialista o de salvaguarda del derecho de propiedad del ente público, en la modalidad de utilizar existe un exceso en la penalización afectándose el principio de proporcionalidad, razón por la cual debe tener un tratamiento distinto.

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