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    Read more about ¡Voy en camino!

    ¡Voy en camino!

    Copyright Year:

    Contributors: Rojas-Primus and Robles

    Publisher: Kwantlen Polytechnic University

    License: CC BY-NC

    ¡Voy en camino! means “I’m on my way” in Spanish. Since learning an additional language and the culture is a journey in itself, ¡Voy en camino! captures the voyage to get there. ¡Voy en camino! has been created to serve the first two introductory Spanish language courses at Kwantlen Polytechnic University (KPU) and to solidify our commitment to Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC). All units of study are designed to be interactive with embedded audio, videos and links for learners to practice the material along the way. Learners can self-pace and self-test their knowledge both individually and with the assistance of an instructor. ¡Voy en camino! has plenty of opportunities to practice writing and speaking with downloadable capabilities becoming a Spanish teaching and learning tool that promotes and supports sustainable renewable learning. With its digital format and open publication ¡Voy en camino! is also meant to join the Spanish teaching open education community and provide access to learning to interested users along the way.

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    Read more about Technology Tools for Leaders

    Technology Tools for Leaders

    Copyright Year:

    Contributors: Bearman and Noyes

    Publisher: Palni Press

    License: CC BY

    With the vast and varied technologies available to leaders, it is no doubt managing these technologies can be challenging. Yet, leaders must have a sense of which technologies will help the organization and its members to be successful. While an organizational leader does not need to be a technology expert, having an awareness of the impact technology has on an organization is important.

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    Read more about ReCentering Psych Stats

    ReCentering Psych Stats

    Copyright Year:

    Contributor: Bikos

    Publisher: Seattle Pacific University Library

    License: CC BY-NC-SA

    To center a variable in regression means to set its value at zero and interpret all other values in relation to this reference point. Regarding race and gender, researchers often center male and White at zero. Further, it is typical that research vignettes in statistics textbooks are similarly seated in a White, Western (frequently U.S.), heteronormative, framework. ReCentering Psych Stats seeks provide statistics training for psychology students (undergraduate, graduate, and post-doctoral) in a socially and culturally responsive way. All lessons use the open-source statistics program, R (and its associated packages). Each lesson includes a chapter and screencasted lesson, features a workflow for statistical decision-making, and includes all R code necessary to conduct the statistic. Research vignettes are drawn from the published psychology literature. When possible, these articles are authored by individuals who hold identities that have, been marginalized in the scientific literature; correctly use the statistic that is being taught in the lesson; and focus on issues of justice, equity, inclusion, or and diversity. When possible, lessons include interviews with researchers from the featured vignettes. Each chapter includes suggestions for practice that are graded in complexity, such that learners can choose the degree of challenge. ReCentering Psych Stats is perpetually-in-progress; suggestions for corrections or chapters are welcomed:

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    Read more about General Inpatient Management of Pediatric Diabetes Mellitus at University of Iowa Stead Family Children's Hospital

    General Inpatient Management of Pediatric Diabetes Mellitus at University of Iowa Stead Family Children's Hospital

    Copyright Year:

    Contributor: Tuttle

    Publisher: University of Iowa

    License: CC BY-SA

    This eBook is a medical education resource intended to supplement the knowledge, skills, and attitudes of medical students and pediatric residents in furthering their own knowledge about the general inpatient management of pediatric diabetes mellitus. This book may be of further use to any physician, advanced practitioners, or nurses who may also encounter pediatric patients with diabetes mellitus in the inpatient hospital setting. This book is specific to protocols and preferences for pediatric diabetes management at the University of Iowa Stead Family Children's Hospital. However, it also contains overarching concepts that transcend location wherever pediatric diabetes may be managed. At the time of publication, this book includes 4 Units, each consisting of 4-7 Chapters. Unit 1 introduces readers to an overview of diabetes mellitus, including its definition, diagnostic criteria, laboratory evaluation, clinical diagnosis, and key differences between Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes. Unit 2 dives into understanding different types of insulins and their uses. Unit 3 walks readers through the creation of initial insulin regimens for pediatric patients with new-onset diabetes. Lastly, Unit 4 dives into the details of pediatric diabetes management at Stead Family Children’s Hospitals according to the protocols and capabilities of the institution and preferences of the pediatric endocrinology division.

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    Read more about Artificial Intelligence and Librarianship - 3rd Edition

    Artificial Intelligence and Librarianship - 3rd Edition

    Copyright Year:

    Contributor: Frické

    Publisher: SoftOption

    License: CC BY

    Courses on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Librarianship in ALA-accredited Masters of Library and Information (MLIS) degrees are rare. We have all been surprised by ChatGPT and similar Large Language Models. Generative AI is an important new area for librarianship. It is also developing so rapidly that no one can really keep up. Those trying to produce AI courses for the MLIS degree need all the help they can get. This book is a gesture of support. It consists of about 100,000 words on the topic, with a 4-500 item bibliography.

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    Read more about Obligaciones Tributarias y su Influencia en la Recaudación Fiscal de las Micro y Pequeñas Empresas

    Obligaciones Tributarias y su Influencia en la Recaudación Fiscal de las Micro y Pequeñas Empresas

    Copyright Year:

    Contributors: Reymundo-Soto, Fernández-Condori, Echevarria-Quispe, Quispe-Cusi, Gutiérrez-Quispe, Palacios-Aguilar, and Ramírez-Laurente

    Publisher: Editorial Grupo AEA

    License: CC BY-NC-SA

    La investigación titulada: “Obligaciones tributarias y su influencia en la recaudación fiscal de las micro y pequeñas empresas” tuvo como propósito reflejar la influencia de las obligaciones tributarias en la recaudación fiscal, también busca reducir la informalidad, y ampliar la base tributaria mediante beneficios otorgados a las micro y pequeñas empresas que se acojan a los regímenes tributarios, con la finalidad de aumentar la recaudación fiscal. La estructura se desarrollado en base de cuatro capítulos, el CAPÍTULO I trata sobre el planteamiento del problema, la formulación, objetivos y justificación, CAPÍTULO II abarcó los antecedentes de estudio, bases teóricas sobre el tema de investigación, bases conceptuales, definición de términos, hipótesis, variables y la operacionalización de variables, el CAPÍTULO III contiene los materiales y métodos que se utilizó en el presente estudio finalmente el CAPÍTULO IV trató sobre la discusión de resultados, análisis de la información y la prueba de hipótesis. Como parte final del presente estudio comprende las conclusiones, recomendaciones, referencias bibliográficas y anexos.

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    Read more about Introducción a la estructura ecológica principal del Distrito Capital y su región ambiental: Conceptos fundamentales, ordenamiento territorial e instrumentos jurídicos

    Introducción a la estructura ecológica principal del Distrito Capital y su región ambiental: Conceptos fundamentales, ordenamiento territorial e instrumentos jurídicos

    Copyright Year:

    Contributors: Vargas-Fonseca, Borja-Cuadros, and Cristiano-Mendivelso

    Publisher: Editorial Grupo AEA

    License: CC BY-NC-SA

    El Distrito Capital, como entidad territorial localizada en el centro de la Sábana de Bogota, tiene la responsabilidad política y administrativa de liderar la sostenibilidad ambiental y articularse con la Corporación Autónoma Regional de Cundinamarca (CAR) con miras a preservar la estructura ecológica del territorio y propiciar usos sostenibles del suelo (urbano y rural). Para ello existe un conjunto de herramientas e instrumentos administrativos contemplados en el Plan de Ordenamiento Territorial (POT) del Distrito Capital que todos los ciudadanos deberían conocer y usar para proteger los ecosistemas de la sabana de Bogota y los derechos humanos asociados con la sostenibilidad ambiental. El objetivo de esta publicación es contribuir a la divulgación de dichas herramientas, mediante conceptualización y síntesis de la información jurídica relevante sobre la materia. Para lograr este propósito, este libro está estructurado en dos partes, la primera plantea una contextualización teórica e historia sobre el ordenamiento territorial en Bogotá y la segunda parte presenta los principales conceptos de la estructura ecológica principal siguiendo el articulado del POT de Bogotá - Decreto Distrital 555 de 2021.

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    Read more about Thinking Rhetorically: Writing for Professional and Public Audiences

    Thinking Rhetorically: Writing for Professional and Public Audiences

    Copyright Year:

    Contributor: Department of Writing Studies, Rhetoric, and Composition

    Publisher: Roger Williams University Open Publishing

    License: CC BY-NC-SA

    Thinking Rhetorically: Writing in Professional and Public Contexts is dedicated to introducing students to a lifelong commitment of engaging with these problems that matter. As an academic discipline, Writing Studies’ contribution to engaging with problems can be applied to all areas of study and to all types of problems because we focus on the way language itself—discourse—is created and exchanged in the service of engaging problems. Writing Studies deepens students’ rhetorical awareness of how the ongoing conversations between groups of people shape and express the problems that matter.

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    Read more about Romance Lands and Conservation in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem

    Romance Lands and Conservation in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem

    Copyright Year:

    Contributor: Johnson

    Publisher: Montana State University

    License: CC BY

    To fully grasp the significance of this story we explore the history of the West, the development of Yellowstone National Park, something about the discipline of conservation biology and related policy sciences, Grizzly bear recovery, and eventually the contemporary economy and social setting of the region. The Greater Yellowstone is a model of how to build a regional system of international importance and local well-being.

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    Read more about Critical Thinking in Academic Research - Second Edition

    Critical Thinking in Academic Research - Second Edition

    Copyright Year:

    Contributors: Gruwell and Ewing

    Publisher: Minnesota State Colleges and Universities

    License: CC BY-SA

    Critical Thinking in Academic Research - 2nd Edition provides examples and easy-to-understand explanations to equip students with the skills to develop research questions, evaluate and choose the right sources, search for information, and understand arguments. This 2nd Edition includes new content based on student feedback as well as additional interactive elements throughout the text.

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