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    Read more about The Shallow and the Deep: A biased introduction to neural networks and old school machine learning

    The Shallow and the Deep: A biased introduction to neural networks and old school machine learning

    Copyright Year:

    Contributor: Biehl

    Publisher: University of Groningen Press

    License: CC BY-NC-SA

    The Shallow and the Deep is a collection of lecture notes that offers an accessible introduction to neural networks and machine learning in general. However, it was clear from the beginning that these notes would not be able to cover this rapidly changing and growing field in its entirety. The focus lies on classical machine learning techniques, with a bias towards classification and regression. Other learning paradigms and many recent developments in, for instance, Deep Learning are not addressed or only briefly touched upon.

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    Read more about Quantitative Methods for Plant Breeding

    Quantitative Methods for Plant Breeding

    Copyright Year:

    Contributors: Suza and Lamkey

    Publisher: Iowa State University Digital Press

    License: CC BY-NC

    This open textbook covers common statistics used in agriculture research, including experimental design in plant breeding and genetics, as well as the analysis of variance, regression, and correlation.

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    Read more about Cultivar Development

    Cultivar Development

    Copyright Year:

    Contributors: Suza, Lamkey, and Mumm

    Publisher: Iowa State University Digital Press

    License: CC BY-NC

    This open textbook places emphasis on the design of a process pipeline for continuous development of new improved cultivars as a means to implement the cycle of crop improvement. Essential topics in New Line Development and New Line Evaluation are addressed, such as choice of parents, creation of progeny, and evaluation and selection of progeny. Students learn to design a process pipeline to produce improved cultivars that meet a specific product target which represents stakeholders’ needs.

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    Read more about International Libraries: An Open Textbook

    International Libraries: An Open Textbook

    Copyright Year:

    Contributors: Reed, Johnson, Severson, Green, Rubin, Windholz, Dehais, Taylor, Gilligan, Wong, Cernik, Davis, Gates, Quinn, Roberts, Wejchert, Lynch, Harrington, Duka, Montini, and Schaefer

    Publisher: The University at Buffalo

    License: CC BY-NC-SA

    International Libraries: An Open Textbook is a reference sourcebook about the libraries and the field of librarianship in non-North American countries around the world. Each chapter in this volume includes a profile of a featured country’s variety of libraries, its library histories, its systems of library education, and its library practices, laws, and professional associations. Graduate students in the University at Buffalo’s Department of Information Science authored these chapters for the LIS 503: International Librarianship course during the summer term of 2019. The text was developed under the a Creative Commons license (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) as an open educational resource that can be adapted for future sections of the International Librarianship course or for similar courses offered in library and information programs at other institutions.

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    Read more about Polimetrics: A Stata Companion to Introduction to Political Science Research Methods - 1st Edition

    Polimetrics: A Stata Companion to Introduction to Political Science Research Methods - 1st Edition

    Copyright Year:

    Contributor: Franco

    Publisher: Open Political Science (OPoliSci)

    License: CC BY-NC

    Polimetrics: A Stata Companion, authored by Dr. Josh Franco, is an Open Education Resource workbook licensed CC BY-NC and designed as a Stata companion to Introduction to Political Science Research Methods.

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    Read more about Teaching Apparel Production

    Teaching Apparel Production

    Copyright Year:

    Contributor: Deaton

    Publisher: University of Arkansas

    License: CC BY

    This text was written to provide students and teacher candidates with an introductory understanding of the skills associated with teaching apparel production. The book is broken into units and chapters that focus on essential skills for constructing garments and, more specifically, teaching others how to construct apparel and apparel-related products.

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    Read more about Language Encounters on the French Colonial Mississippi

    Language Encounters on the French Colonial Mississippi

    Copyright Year:

    Contributor: Jones

    Publisher: University of Arkansas

    License: CC BY

    Are you using this textbook in your class? Let me know!

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    Read more about Creating a circular healthcare economy: Sustainable strategies for a circular healthcare

    Creating a circular healthcare economy: Sustainable strategies for a circular healthcare

    Copyright Year:

    Contributors: van Straten, Alvino, and Horeman

    Publisher: TU Delft Open

    License: CC BY

    Our world is the only planet, as far as we know, which harbors life. The number of humans on our planet has grown tremendously in recent centuries. In 1800 one billion humans occupied our earth; on 15 November 2022, this number reached 8 billion.

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    Read more about Introduction to Apparel Production Workbook

    Introduction to Apparel Production Workbook

    Copyright Year:

    Contributor: Apple

    Publisher: University of Arkansas

    License: CC BY

    Welcome to Introduction to Apparel Production. Whether you are part of the college class or learning on your own, you will gain important concepts and techniques in beginning apparel production. This workbook is to accompany the activities through in person teaching or online learning. There will be graphics and videos to help guide you through each step of this workbook. There are 6 learning units and a sewing projects unit in this workbook. The sewing projects unit contains 4 projects: tote bag, skirt, shirt and pants. The pattern numbers may change due to the availability of patterns.

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    Read more about Scholarly Communication Librarianship and Open Knowledge

    Scholarly Communication Librarianship and Open Knowledge

    Copyright Year:

    Contributors: Bonn, Bolick, and Cross

    Publisher: Association of College and Research Libraries

    License: CC BY-NC

    The intersection of scholarly communication librarianship and open education offers a unique opportunity to expand knowledge of scholarly communication topics in both education and practice. Open resources can address the gap in teaching timely and critical scholarly communication topics—copyright in teaching and research environments, academic publishing, emerging modes of scholarship, impact measurement—while increasing access to resources and equitable participation in education and scholarly communication.

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