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    Read more about Comunidades


    Copyright Year:

    Contributors: Ikeda and Baumgardt

    Publisher: PALNI

    License: CC BY

    This is a textbook for first-semester Spanish with a focus on the cultural products, practices and perspectives of Spanish-speaking communities in the world today. This text is designed to build students’ cultural and communicative proficiency at the novice level through interaction with authentic resources and real-life video conversations featuring native Spanish speakers living in the American Midwest. Each chapter includes interactive activities focused on each of the three modes of communication (interpretive, interpersonal and presentational), at least one Integrated Performance Assessment, exercises with automated feedback and prompts that promote cross-cultural comparisons through research and reflection.

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    Read more about An Open Guide to Data Structures and Algorithms

    An Open Guide to Data Structures and Algorithms

    Copyright Year:

    Contributors: Bible, Moser, and Scarlato

    Publisher: PALNI

    License: CC BY

    This textbook serves as a gentle introduction for undergraduates to theoretical concepts in data structures and algorithms in computer science while providing coverage of practical implementation (coding) issues. The field of computer science (CS) supports a multitude of essential technologies in science, engineering, and communication as a social medium. The varied and interconnected nature of computer technology permeates countless career paths making CS a popular and growing major program. Mastery of the science behind computer science relies on an understanding of the theory of algorithms and data structures. These concepts underlie the fundamental tradeoffs that dictate performance in terms of speed, memory usage, and programming complexity that separate novice programmers from professional practitioners.

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    Read more about Introduction to Soil Science

    Introduction to Soil Science

    Copyright Year:

    Contributor: Anderson

    Publisher: Iowa State University Digital Press

    License: CC BY

    This textbook introduces readers to the basics of soil science, including the physical, chemical, and biological properties of soils; soil formation, classification, and global distribution; soil health, soils and humanity, and sustainable land management.

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    Read more about Introduction to Vacuum Technology

    Introduction to Vacuum Technology

    Copyright Year:

    Contributors: Hata, Brewer, and Louwagie

    Publisher: Milne Open Textbooks

    License: CC BY-NC-SA

    Vacuum systems are critical to many industries. They are vital to establishing required process pressures, establishing a clean process environment, and removing reaction by-products from the process chamber. This text, a revision and expansion of David Hata’s Introduction to Vacuum Technology published in 2008, addresses basic topics in vacuum technology for individuals tasked with maintaining vacuum systems and instructors teaching technician-level courses. The topics are carefully curated to the needs of technicians in a production environment and the types of vacuum systems used, and the accompanying laboratory manual and instructor’s guide support the delivery of lecture-laboratory courses.

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    Read more about Natural Resources Sustainability: An introductory synthesis

    Natural Resources Sustainability: An introductory synthesis

    Copyright Year:

    Contributor: Lant

    Publisher: Utah Education Network Digital Press with Pressbooks

    License: CC BY-NC-SA

    This text has evolved from 20 semesters teaching the undergraduate courses Geography, People, and the Environment and Environment and Society. It is designed for freshmen through junior-level courses at community, junior and four-year colleges and universities in the United States. Focused upon the dilemma of environmental sustainability, geography and the emergent field of ecological economics are emphasized in a trans-disciplinary framework. It provides—in a one semester or one quarter undergraduate course that requires no prerequisites—a fundamental background in the essentials students need to deal with natural resource and environmental issues as an informed citizen while building a foundation for further study.

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    Read more about Elementary Swahili: Lugha na Utamaduni

    Elementary Swahili: Lugha na Utamaduni

    Copyright Year:

    Contributor: Mwangi

    Publisher: Northwestern University Libraries

    License: CC BY-SA

    Elementary Swahili: Lugha na Utamaduni is intended for both heritage and non-heritage elementary Swahili learners. It introduces the learners to aspects of Standard Swahili language and culture with the view of enhancing their intercultural competence in Swahili. The topics are well-integrated to enable the learners to easily apply what they learn in each topic into their daily interactions in Swahili about themselves, family, friends, immediate world, and East Africa. Thus, at the end of Elementary Swahili, learners should be able to carry out basic conversations in Swahili about themselves, their world, and East Africa. Further, the coursebook will incorporate common Swahili cultural practices in all the topics with the view of enhancing the learners’ intercultural competence.

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    Read more about Finding Balance: Collaborative Workflows for Risk Management in Sharing Cultural Heritage Collections Online

    Finding Balance: Collaborative Workflows for Risk Management in Sharing Cultural Heritage Collections Online

    Copyright Year:

    Contributors: Hintz, Kowalski, Quigley, and Bailey

    Publisher: University of Kansas Libraries

    License: CC BY-NC

    Digitizing rare and unique historical documents so they can be shared online is mission-critical work for most cultural heritage institutions, but it can be difficult to complete this work, especially intellectual property rights management, at a scale that matches user demand. The authors of this open educational resource offer guidance for creating scalable, cross-functional workflows using a risk-management approach that increases efficiency and distributes responsibility for rights assessment work more equitably across stakeholders. It includes advice for navigating knowledge gaps, building an engaged team with the right skillsets, reimagining workflows, and rethinking traditional archival processing workflows to build capacity for rights analysis during arrangement and description. Each chapter includes a helpful exercise for implementing this guidance in your own institution.

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    Read more about Introduction to Probability

    Introduction to Probability

    Copyright Year:

    Contributor: Baxter

    Publisher: John R. Baxter

    License: CC BY-SA

    This is an introduction to probability theory, designed for self-study. It covers the same topics as the one-semester introductory courses which I taught at the University of Minnesota, with some extra discussion for reading on your own. The reasons which underlie the rules of probability are emphasized. Probability theory is certainly useful. But how does it feel to study it? Well, like other areas of mathematics, probability theory contains elegant concepts, and it gives you a chance to exercise your ingenuity, which is often fun. But in addition, randomness and probability are part of our experience in the real world, present everywhere and yet still somewhat mysterious. This gives the subject of probability a special interest.

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    Read more about Planeación estratégica: Conceptos y herramientas para su aplicación

    Planeación estratégica: Conceptos y herramientas para su aplicación

    Copyright Year:

    Contributors: Terán-Guerrero, Martínez-Martínez, Pluas-Llamuca, Román-Aguirre, Hernández-Altamirano, and Gallardo-Chiluisa

    Publisher: Editorial Grupo AEA

    License: CC BY-NC-SA

    En el dinámico mundo de los negocios, la planificación estratégica se erige como el cimiento de la excelencia organizacional. El libro "PLANEACIÓN ESTRATÉGICA: CONCEPTOS Y HERRAMIENTAS PARA SU APLICACIÓN" sumerge al lector en un viaje fascinante a través de los pilares de la planeación estratégica y su implementación efectiva. Se exploran conceptos esenciales como la misión, la visión y los valores, se desmenuza el proceso administrativo y se establecen las categorías clave de planificación: estratégica, táctica y operativa. Los principios fundamentales sirven como cimiento para la travesía estratégica. Se destaca la importancia de analizar tanto el entorno interno como externo, empleando herramientas como el análisis FODA. La fórmula mágica se completa con la creación de objetivos estratégicos y un plan de acción con ciclos que abarcan la planificación, implementación y control. Descubra cómo los KPIs emergen como pilares esenciales para medir el rendimiento y respaldar decisiones informadas. Además, el Cuadro de Mando Integral (CMI) amplía la visión, llevando la medición más allá de lo financiero y proporcionando una perspectiva completa del desempeño. Este libro es un faro para aquellos que buscan navegar con éxito en el turbulento mar de los negocios.

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    Read more about Entorno Empresarial y Gestión del Marketing: Perspectiva Teórica para el Desarrollo de Proyectos de Titulación

    Entorno Empresarial y Gestión del Marketing: Perspectiva Teórica para el Desarrollo de Proyectos de Titulación

    Copyright Year:

    Contributors: Guerrero-Velástegui and González-Garcés

    Publisher: Editorial Grupo AEA

    License: CC BY-NC-SA

    El entorno empresarial, la gestión del marketing y la forma de administrar empresas cambia de manera constante conforme el ambiente en el que se desenvuelve, razón por la cual es fundamental identificar una ruta de investigación que delinee el camino a seguir. Por esta razón es fundamental iniciar estos procesos desde la academia, pues un proyecto de grado es un aspecto crucial del desarrollo académico de los estudiantes que cursan estudios de pregrado o posgrado. Es una oportunidad para que los estudiantes demuestren su dominio de un tema en particular y muestren sus habilidades de investigación. En esta obra, discutiremos el propósito de un proyecto de grado, los pasos necesarios para desarrollar un proyecto exitoso y los desafíos comunes que enfrentan los estudiantes durante el proceso. Hay diferentes tipos de proyectos de grado, incluidos tesis, disertaciones, artículos académicos y proyectos finales; cuyos resultados y entregables esperados incluyen un informe escrito, una presentación oral y una defensa del proyecto, la finalidad es brindar acompañamiento en el proceso mediante la inclusión de elementos técnicos, dinámicos y rigurosos que permitan la generación de conocimiento emergente en el ámbito empresarial, incluyendo elementos reflexivos y prácticos que permitan aportar con rigurosidad académica y científica el desarrollo de trabajos de titulación y reformular la forma de trabajar y replicarlo en el ámbito laboral.

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