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    Read more about Fortalecimiento Metodológico de la Seguridad Informática en Posgrados: Análisis y Estrategias de Mejora

    Fortalecimiento Metodológico de la Seguridad Informática en Posgrados: Análisis y Estrategias de Mejora

    Copyright Year:

    Contributors: Picoy-Gonzales, Huarcaya-Taype, Contreras-Canto, and Omonte-Vilca

    Publisher: Editorial Grupo AEA

    License: CC BY-NC-SA

    El libro de investigación, contiene el informe sistematizado sobre el análisis de riesgos de la seguridad de la información para la Universidad Nacional Hermilio Valdizán de Huánuco, tuvo como objetivo realizar el análisis de riesgos que permita generar controles para minimizar la probabilidad de ocurrencia e impacto de los riesgos asociados con las vulnerabilidades y amenazas de seguridad de la información existentes en la Universidad Nacional Hermilio Valdizán de Huánuco. El método aplicado tuvo la finalidad de profundizar el análisis e interpretación de los resultados en donde se utilizó el tipo de investigación aplicada de diseño no experimental, descriptivo, se trabajó con una muestra total de los activos informáticos de la Universidad Nacional Hermilio Valdizán de Huánuco, seleccionados mediante el tipo de muestreo no probabilístico intencional. Para estimar los estadígrafos se usó la estadística descriptiva e inferencial. Obteniendo como resultado la disminución del riesgo actual de los activos informáticos a su nivel mínimo.

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    Read more about Seguridad e higiene en el trabajo una visión holista en el nuevo siglo

    Seguridad e higiene en el trabajo una visión holista en el nuevo siglo

    Copyright Year:

    Contributors: Hoffmann-Jaramillo, Flores-Murillo, and Vallejo-López

    Publisher: Editorial Grupo AEA

    License: CC BY-NC-SA

    En el nuevo contexto globalizado, el campo laboral abarca múltiples áreas en las que se desenvuelven trabajadores que aportan la producción y generan ingresos a la economía de un país, en este contexto, es imprescindible proteger la integridad de los obreros que están día a día expuestos a diversas situaciones que pueden generar desde leves hasta graves problemas en su integridad física y en su salud en general. La Identificación de peligros y evaluación de riesgos, permite elaborar las medidas de prevención para precautelar la integridad de los trabajadores dentro de cada empresa dependiendo de su área de competencia. Ya que pueden sufrir accidentes, lesiones físicas, enfermedades ocupaciones que deterioran la calidad de vida de las personas. Según la Organización Internacional del Trabajo OIT, a nivel mundial al menos 108.000 trabajadores mueren en su lugar de trabajo cada año. Datos de países industrializados muestran que los trabajadores de la construcción tienen una probabilidad entre 3 y 4 veces mayor de morir a causa de accidentes en el trabajo que otros trabajadores. Con estos antecedentes, en el mundo se han creado medidas de precaución de trabajo para la disminución de accidentes, implantando normativas internacionales. Diseñar e implementar un sistema de gestión de seguridad y salud ocupacional basada en normas internacionales permite transformar los entornos laborales en ambientes más amigables y productivos en las empresas. Se considera imprescindible proteger al personal, a través de la implementación de procesos de Seguridad y Salud Ocupacional, enmarcados en los requisitos legales aplicables a cada país, la capacitación, adquisición de herramientas y equipos adecuados, además de tener acceso a servicios de atención de salud, permitirán optimizar la eficiencia de su labor en todas las áreas laborales.

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    Read more about Teaching Methods & Practices

    Teaching Methods & Practices

    Copyright Year:

    Contributor: Proctor

    Publisher: Open OCO

    License: CC BY

    This book is intended to serve as a resource for novice teachers as they master the art of effective classroom management, assessment, and lesson planning. At the undergraduate level, this book is designed to accompany the instruction in the EDUC 4353: Secondary Teaching Methods & Practices course before the full-internship experience. At the graduate level, this book is designed to support the instruction in the EDUC 5283: Teaching Methods course with a special focus on supporting Alternatively Certified Educators. Each chapter presents a component of the teaching and learning process critical for teacher development and describes how that component is relevant to the classroom.

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    Read more about Public Administration: The Essentials - First Edition

    Public Administration: The Essentials - First Edition

    Copyright Year:

    Contributor: Renfro

    Publisher: University of Northern Iowa

    License: CC BY-NC-SA

    Public Administration: The Essentials provides students with the conceptual foundation they need for an introduction to the field of public administration. This OER textbook covers the most critical issues in the field through the use of classic texts and theory as well as through modern examples.

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    Read more about Handbook of Software Engineering Methods - 2nd Edition

    Handbook of Software Engineering Methods - 2nd Edition

    Copyright Year:

    Contributor: Letaw

    Publisher: Oregon State University

    License: CC BY-NC

    Software engineering can help people create sustainable, extensible programs that solve problems people care about.

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    Read more about Business Communication: Five Core Competencies

    Business Communication: Five Core Competencies

    Copyright Year:

    Contributors: Lucas, Rawlins, and Haugen

    Publisher: SAALCK

    License: CC BY-NC-SA

    Business Communication: Five Core Competencies is a practical, engaging book designed to help undergraduate students and business professionals develop competence and build confidence in their business writing skills. Readers will learn about the five core competencies of business communication: professional, clear, concise, evidence-driven, and persuasive. They also will learn strategies for applying each of these competencies across a range of real-world business scenarios. Each chapter includes Communication Tips, Your Turn Exercises, and how-to advice for writing a variety of business messages.

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    Read more about Sourcing, summarizing, and synthesizing:  Skills for effective research writing 

    Sourcing, summarizing, and synthesizing:  Skills for effective research writing 

    Copyright Year:

    Contributor: McBride

    Publisher: University of Arkansas

    License: CC BY-NC-SA

    An open educational text written by McBride.

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    Read more about An Introduction to Waste Management and Circular Economy

    An Introduction to Waste Management and Circular Economy

    Copyright Year:

    Contributors: van Ewijk and Stegemann

    Publisher: UCL Press

    License: CC BY-NC

    This introductory textbook provides an essential interdisciplinary guide to waste management and circular economy. It helps students to understand the drivers of waste, the environmental, social, and economic impacts of waste generation, and best practices and technologies for waste management, recycling, energy recovery and disposal.

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    Read more about Drug Use and Misuse: A Community Health Perspective

    Drug Use and Misuse: A Community Health Perspective

    Copyright Year:

    Contributors: Bazan, Barnes, Santens, and Verone

    Publisher: University of Illinois Library - Urbana

    License: CC BY-NC

    Drug Use and Misuse: A Community Health Perspective provides students with an introduction to the biological, psychological, and legal aspects of drug use and misuse through the lens of community health and discusses the impact of drug use and misuse on community health. The book contains eight distinct chapters addressing the background of drug use and misuse, including key terms, as well as an introduction to different categories of drugs including gateway drugs, opioids, and prescription drugs, and a conclusion that describes evidence-based prevention and treatment models. Originally developed for use in the popular undergraduate survey course “Drug Use and Abuse” taught at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, the book is aimed at students learning about community health and the effects of drug use in a variety of contexts, such as survey courses for pharmacology, psychology, or public health.

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    Read more about Writing for Inquiry and Research

    Writing for Inquiry and Research

    Copyright Year:

    Contributors: Kessler, Bennett, Primeau, Williams, Costello, and Armstrong

    Publisher: University of Illinois Library - Urbana

    License: CC BY-NC

    Writing for Inquiry and Research guides students through the composition process of writing a research paper. The book divides this process into four chapters that each focus on a genre connected to research writing: the annotated bibliography, proposal, literature review, and research essay. Each chapter provides significant guidance with reading, writing, and research strategies, along with significant examples and links to external resources. This book serves to help students and instructors with a writing-project-based approach, transforming the research process into an accessible series of smaller, more attainable steps for a semester-long course in research writing. Additional resources throughout the book, as well as in three appendices, allow for students and instructors to explore the many facets of the writing process together.

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