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    Read more about German 102

    German 102

    Copyright Year:

    Contributor: Linam

    Publisher: University of North Alabama

    License: CC BY

    This book is a continuation of GR 101. It features easy-to-read explanations of grammar, up-to-date videos, extra practice, and interactive exercises, as well as reading selections.

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    Read more about German 202

    German 202

    Copyright Year:

    Contributor: Linam

    Publisher: University of North Alabama

    License: CC BY

    This book is a continuation of GR 201. It focuses on grammar found most often in literary selections and essays as well as several reading selections to reinforce grammar.

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    Read more about German 201

    German 201

    Copyright Year:

    Contributor: Linam

    Publisher: University of North Alabama

    License: CC BY

    This book is a continuation of GR 102. It features review from GR 101-102, explanations of grammar, videos to reteach concepts, extra practice, and several reading selections to reinforce grammar.

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    Read more about Interpersonal Communication: Context and Connection

    Interpersonal Communication: Context and Connection

    Copyright Year:

    Contributors: Altman, Clancy, Coleman, Encarnacion, Khanna, Kicenski, Leonard, Mata, Moran, Plump, Reitzel, Ruggeri-DiLello, Weidner, and Yee

    Publisher: Academic Senate for California Community Colleges

    License: CC BY

    Interpersonal Communication: Context and Connection provides an engaging overview of interpersonal communication grounded in theory, research, and practical application, with an eye to the lived experience of college students. The first three chapters provide the foundation of interpersonal communication with an examination of the theoretical and conceptual background of communication, self, and perception. The next section of the book examines unique features of messaging, with an exploration of listening, verbal, and nonverbal communication. Chapters 7, 8, and 9 explore dynamic factors that shape interpersonal relationships, including emotions, climate, and conflict. The final chapters of the book delve into communication in context through building and maintaining relationships, the dark side of communication, and workplace relationships.

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    Read more about Communicating Fashion: Trend Research and Forecasting

    Communicating Fashion: Trend Research and Forecasting

    Copyright Year:

    Contributors: Goncu Berk and DeLong

    Publisher: University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing

    License: CC BY-NC

    Communicating Fashion offers a holistic view of the interrelationships involved in trend research, including data collection, analysis and reporting, and forecasting what that direction means for design. The book’s primary focus is on the process of observing and collecting desk and field data to understand interrelationships among products, user experience, and contextual factors.

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    Read more about Introduction to Arabic: Egyptian Arabic for first-year students

    Introduction to Arabic: Egyptian Arabic for first-year students

    Copyright Year:

    Contributors: Ghazy, Eissa, Elsherif, Hollenberg, Loy, and Rizk

    Publisher: University of Oregon Libraries

    License: CC BY-NC

    This book presents materials for mastering the Arabic alphabet and the student's first steps in Egyptian Arabic.

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    Read more about Foundations of Education

    Foundations of Education

    Copyright Year:

    Contributors: AbuAssaly-George, Bunney, De Valdenebro, Mead, and Margolis

    Publisher: Open Oregon Educational Resources

    License: CC BY-NC-SA

    This dynamic and equity-focused Open Educational Resource serves as a multifaceted textbook for Foundations of Education courses in post secondary institutions.

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    Read more about Conducting Mixed-Methods Research: From Classical Social Sciences to the Age of Big Data and Analytics

    Conducting Mixed-Methods Research: From Classical Social Sciences to the Age of Big Data and Analytics

    Copyright Year:

    Contributors: Venkatesh, Brown, and Sullivan

    Publisher: Virginia Tech Libraries

    License: CC BY-NC

    Scholars in the social sciences are increasingly expected to incorporate both quantitative and qualitative techniques and methods into their research. The growth of “mixed-methods” research is evident in social science disciplines ranging from psychology and management to marketing and information systems. This book is designed to provide principles, strategies, and guidance specifically for researchers in these disciplines so that they can use mixed-methods research more effectively.

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    Read more about Elementos básicos de Análisis Inteligente de Datos

    Elementos básicos de Análisis Inteligente de Datos

    Copyright Year:

    Contributors: Jaramillo-Chuqui and Villarroel-Molina

    Publisher: Editorial Grupo AEA

    License: CC BY-NC-SA

    Este libro trata sobre conceptos elementales junto con scripts cortos de código basado en R Project para hacer análisis inteligente de datos. La relación entre la teoría y la práctica es fundamental en la comprensión de una disciplina, así la aplicación de procedimientos y funciones específicas en tareas elementales es el propósito de este texto. La idea central del texto tiene origen en la asignatura denominada “Análisis Inteligente de Datos”, una cátedra en la que el profesor aporta con elementos fundamentales basados en conceptos y ejercicios prácticos usando R Project. Hoy en día, la disponibilidad de herramientas para la minería de datos es sin duda muy grande. Usuarios con conocimientos básicos pueden aprovechar de utilitarios intuitivos implementados en poderosos entornos de desarrollo. Nosotros hemos querido dar un enfoque al texto hacia una audiencia con mayor relación a la programación y software. Específicamente que constituya una guía básica para estudiantes que inician en el campo de la Inteligencia de datos.

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    Read more about Procesos de producción de tilapias (Oreochromis niloticus) con aplicación informática

    Procesos de producción de tilapias (Oreochromis niloticus) con aplicación informática

    Copyright Year:

    Contributors: Macías-Véliz and Chicharro-López

    Publisher: Editorial Grupo AEA

    License: CC BY-NC-SA

    El manuscrito se centra en el desarrollo de un software para optimizar la producción de tilapias, abordando aspectos como el crecimiento, costo y rentabilidad. Utilizando herramientas tecnológicas avanzadas, se pretende facilitar la gestión de datos para los piscicultores, permitiendo procesos más eficientes, económicos y precisos. Los factores clave incluyen el peso, la temperatura, el crecimiento absoluto, el crecimiento térmico de los peces, y proyecciones mensuales de costos, producción y rentabilidad. El software, desarrollado en Java y utilizando la plataforma Eclipse, busca equilibrar agilidad y precisión en el tratamiento de datos. El trabajo se apoya en la revisión bibliográfica y entrevistas con piscicultores. Se emplea un enfoque de análisis de componentes principales y correlación de Pearson para asociar variables relevantes. Se evalúa la aplicación mediante datos históricos y pruebas piloto, ajustando funcionalidades para garantizar resultados fiables. Se destaca la importancia de interfaces amigables para usuarios no expertos en tecnología y se propone la expansión a aplicaciones móviles y la adaptación a otras especies de interés zootécnico.

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