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    Read more about Sports Marketing: An Australian Perspective

    Sports Marketing: An Australian Perspective

    Copyright Year:

    Contributor: Richards

    Publisher: Western Sydney University

    License: CC BY-NC-SA

    Sports marketing refers to promoting goods and services through sporting events and the endorsement of athletes and sports teams. For any sports organisation, it is imperative to have an effective sports marketing strategy in place to build brand awareness, enhance customer loyalty and generate revenue. Companies in sports use marketing strategies to fulfil their goals, such as attracting more junior players, involving parents, increasing the company's public profile, entertaining spectators, acquiring sponsorships, and securing broadcasting rights deals. This book has been written for sports management students at Western Sydney University for the subject Sports Marketing (BUSM2048) where they will learn general marketing knowledge and theories relevant to the sports industry, such as sponsorship, endorsements, customer experience, pricing and operations. This activity is aligned with SDG4 – Quality Education.

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    Read more about Indigenous Perspectives on Business Ethics and Business Law in British Columbia

    Indigenous Perspectives on Business Ethics and Business Law in British Columbia

    Copyright Year:

    Contributors: Sorensen and van Dyk

    Publisher: BCcampus

    License: CC BY

    This book explores business ethics and business law through the lens of Indigenous-settler relations in Canada (with a focus on British Columbia in particular). It aims to fill a gap in business curriculum and support instructors who want to bring Indigenous content into their classes. The book starts by exploring relevant history, focusing on treaties, legislation, and federal government policy. It then looks at business ethics and what it means for businesses to work ethically with Indigenous communities. And finally, the book discusses business law and the requirements and responsibilities for businesses doing work on Indigenous lands.

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    Read more about Psychology of Language

    Psychology of Language

    Copyright Year:

    Contributors: Ramoo and Bartlett

    Publisher: BCcampus

    License: CC BY

    In this textbook, students are introduced to the fundamental principles of linguistics and psycholinguistics. Students will explore theories and models of language development, comprehension and production as well as bilingualism and reading. All of these topics are approached from a Canadian perspective and include ideas from indigenous cultures and languages of Canada.

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    Read more about Engineering Systems, Dynamics, Modelling, Simulation, and Design

    Engineering Systems, Dynamics, Modelling, Simulation, and Design

    Copyright Year:

    Contributor: Tabatabaian

    Publisher: BCcampus

    License: CC BY-NC

    This open educational resource presents effective system modelling methods, including Lagrangian and bond graph, and the application of a relevant engineering software tool, 20-sim. The content is designed for engineering students and professionals in the field to support their understanding and application of these methods for modelling, simulation, and design of engineering systems. The text also includes videos showing selected worked-out examples.

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    Read more about Foundations in Digital Marketing

    Foundations in Digital Marketing

    Copyright Year:

    Contributor: Grayson

    Publisher: BCcampus

    License: CC BY

    Foundations in Digital Marketing is a textbook intended to introduce marketing students to the world of digital marketing. The book covers fundamental frameworks, practical applications, and online tools that can all be applied to build and execute a cohesive and engaging digital marketing strategy. The book covers the fundamental aspects of digital marketing, including areas such as:

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    Read more about Business Writing For Everyone

    Business Writing For Everyone

    Copyright Year:

    Contributor: Cruthers

    Publisher: Kwantlen Polytechnic University

    License: CC BY-NC

    Business Writing For Everyone is an inclusive guide to writing in the workplace. The book takes a process-oriented, storytelling approach to composition: focusing less on genre and more on the decisions that effective business communicators make. Business Writing For Everyone also contains interactive H5P activities for students to test their learning, and activities for further reflection that instructors can use in the classroom or assign as homework.

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    Read more about Principles of Mechanics: Fundamental University Physics

    Principles of Mechanics: Fundamental University Physics

    Copyright Year:

    Contributor: Alrasheed

    Publisher: Springer

    License: CC BY

    This open access textbook takes the reader step-by-step through the concepts of mechanics in a clear and detailed manner. Mechanics is considered to be the core of physics, where a deep understanding of the concepts is essential in understanding all branches of physics. Many proofs and examples are included to help the reader grasp the fundamentals fully, paving the way to deal with more advanced topics. After solving all of the examples, the reader will have gained a solid foundation in mechanics and the skills to apply the concepts in a variety of situations.

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    Read more about Action Research

    Action Research

    Copyright Year:

    Contributors: Clark, Porath, Thiele, and Jobe

    Publisher: New Prairie Press

    License: CC BY-NC

    Action research is a common journey for graduate students in education and other human science fields. This book attempts to meet the needs of graduate students, in-service teachers, and any other educators interested in action research and/or self-study. The chapters of this book draw on our collective experiences as educators in a variety of educational contexts, and our roles guiding educator/researchers in various settings. All of our experiences have enabled us to question and refine our own understanding of action research as a process and means for pedagogical improvement. The primary purpose of this book is to offer clear steps and practical guidance to those who intend to carry out action research for the first time. As educators begin their action research journey, we feel it is vital to pose four questions: 1) What is action research, and how is it distinct from other educational research?; 2) When is it appropriate for an educator to conduct an action research project in their context?; 3) How does an educator conduct an action research project?; 4) What does an educator do with the data once the action research project has been conducted? We have attempted to address all four questions in the chapters of this book.

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    Read more about Crop Adaptation and Improvement for Drought-Prone Environments

    Crop Adaptation and Improvement for Drought-Prone Environments

    Copyright Year:

    Contributors: Kane, Foncéka, and Dalton

    Publisher: New Prairie Press

    License: CC BY-SA

    This book focuses on three important elements in the development of cereal and legume crops in semi-arid West Africa. The first section illustrates the socioeconomic factors that affect the food system for these crops and contains an overview of crop production and consumption in the region. Then, important inputs that affect system productivity are presented: preferences for new seed varieties, yield response to fertilizer, counterfeit herbicides, climate information, and the way farmers develop expectations about the weather events that shape cropping outcomes. The final chapter of section one is dedicated to understanding urban consumer preferences for processed food products derived from pearl millet.

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    Read more about Designing Arguments for Academic, Public, and Professional Audiences - Fourteenth Edition

    Designing Arguments for Academic, Public, and Professional Audiences - Fourteenth Edition

    Copyright Year:

    Contributor: Marzluf

    Publisher: New Prairie Press

    License: CC BY-NC

    This college-level textbook guides students through five different types of arguments: evaluations, responses, persuasive rhetorical arguments, proposals, and practical professional development arguments. Students are introduced to rhetorical concepts and strategies to enable them to more effectively appeal to different types of audiences. Students will gain practice in audience-based reasoning, basing their reasons and evidence on the assumptions, beliefs, and values of their readers.

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