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    Read more about Introduction to business law in Papua New Guinea

    Introduction to business law in Papua New Guinea

    Copyright Year:

    Contributor: Gibson

    Publisher: Southern Cross University

    License: CC BY

    “Introduction to Business Law in Papua New Guinea” is an introductory text designed to support students enrolled in LEGL1007 Introduction to the Business Law of Papua New Guinea at Southern Cross University. The book is structured into five parts: Part 1 provides an introduction to studying business law, including writing legal essays and problem questions; Part 2 covers negligence; Part 3 discusses contract law; Part 4 addresses consumer law; and Part 5 focuses on agency within the Papua New Guinea legal system.

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    Read more about Human Evolutionary Demography

    Human Evolutionary Demography

    Copyright Year:

    Contributors: Burger, Lee, and Sear

    Publisher: Open Book Publishers

    License: CC BY

    Human evolutionary demography is an emerging field blending natural science with social science. This edited volume provides a much-needed, interdisciplinary introduction to the field and highlights cutting-edge research for interested readers and researchers in demography, the evolutionary behavioural sciences, biology, and related disciplines. By bridging the boundaries between social and biological sciences, the volume stresses the importance of a unified understanding of both in order to grasp past and current demographic patterns. Demographic traits, and traits related to demographic outcomes, including fertility and mortality rates, marriage, parental care, menopause, and cooperative behavior are subject to evolutionary processes. Bringing an understanding of evolution into demography therefore incorporates valuable insights into this field; just as knowledge of demography is key to understanding evolutionary processes. By asking questions about old patterns from a new perspective, the volume—composed of contributions from established and early-career academics—demonstrates that a combination of social science research and evolutionary theory offers holistic understandings and approaches that benefit both fields. Human Evolutionary Demography introduces an emerging field in an accessible style. It is suitable for graduate courses in demography, as well as upper-level undergraduates. Its range of research is sure to be of interest to academics working on demographic topics (anthropologists, sociologists, demographers), natural scientists working on evolutionary processes, and disciplines which cross-cut natural and social science, such as evolutionary psychology, human behavioral ecology, cultural evolution, and evolutionary medicine. As an accessible introduction, it should interest readers whether or not they are currently familiar with human evolutionary demography.

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    Read more about Introduction to Data Science Using Python

    Introduction to Data Science Using Python

    Copyright Year:

    Contributor: Agah

    Publisher: The Pennsylvania Alliance for Design of Open Textbooks (PA-ADOPT)

    License: CC BY-NC

    This book contains two parts, the first is designed to be used in an introductory programming course for students looking to learn Python, without having any prior experience with programming. Basic programming concepts are discussed, explained, and illustrated with a Python program. Ample programming questions are provided for practice. The second part of the book utilizes machine-learning concepts and statistics to accomplish data-driven resolutions. Python programs are provided to apply scientific computing to conclude statistically driven results.

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    Read more about Green Tea Intermediate English Communication OER

    Green Tea Intermediate English Communication OER

    Copyright Year:

    Contributors: Dodson, Diniz, and Leiton

    Publisher: Open Oregon Educational Resources

    License: CC BY

    This set of multimedia materials incorporates interesting topics and real-world language in an accessible way for adult English language learners at the low-to-mid intermediate level, using eclectic methods (communicative activities, content-based instruction lite, focus on form), all while maintaining a connection to our learners’ lives.

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    Read more about Abordaje Integral de la Obesidad

    Abordaje Integral de la Obesidad

    Copyright Year:

    Contributors: Tayupanda-Cuvi, Viteri-Robayo, Girón-Saltos, and Marizande-Lozada

    Publisher: Editorial Grupo AEA

    License: CC BY-NC-SA

    El libro aborda la obesidad desde diversas perspectivas, comenzando con un análisis global en el Capítulo I sobre factores socioeconómicos y culturales, y la influencia de la globalización en los hábitos alimentarios. Se examina la situación específica en Ecuador en el Capítulo II, donde se destaca la alta prevalencia de obesidad en adultos y su relación con el consumo de alimentos procesados. Los siguientes capítulos se centran en aspectos médicos, bioquímicos y nutricionales de la obesidad, así como en intervenciones dietéticas y de actividad física. Se subraya la importancia de la intervención psicológica y se analiza la influencia de las redes sociales y el marketing en los hábitos alimentarios. Se discuten también las complicaciones musculoesqueléticas y se detalla el papel crucial de los desequilibrios hormonales en la obesidad y sus implicaciones metabólicas. El libro proporciona una visión integral de la obesidad y sugiere enfoques multidisciplinarios para su prevención y control.

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    Read more about Shakespeare's Major Plays Volume 1

    Shakespeare's Major Plays Volume 1

    Copyright Year:

    Contributor: Taylor

    Publisher: James Cook University

    License: CC BY-NC

    This book is designed to assist upper secondary school and first and second-year university students in their reading and understanding of Shakespeare's plays. The plays selected for discussion are those that students are most likely to encounter in their early adventures with Shakespeare. Each discussion provides guidance on issues raised by each play and suggests approaches from which students can build original ideas and insights. The book contains interactive exercises that are designed to assist students to understand and remember the characters, plots and structures of Shakespeare's plays. The book contains free full text copies of the plays. Volume 1 includes As You Like It, Romeo and Juliet and Hamlet.

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    Read more about Adjustment theory: an introduction

    Adjustment theory: an introduction

    Copyright Year:

    Contributor: Teunissen

    Publisher: TU Delft Open

    License: CC BY

    Adjustment theory can be regarded as the part of mathematical geodesy that deals with the optimal combination of redundant measurements together with the estimation of unknown parameters. It is essential for a geodesist, its meaning comparable to what mechanics means to a civil engineer or a mechanical engineer. Historically, the first methods of combining redundant measurements originate from the study of three problems in geodesy and astronomy, namely to determine the size and shape of the Earth, to explain the long-term inequality in the motions of Jupiter and Saturn, and to find a mathematical representation of the motions of the Moon. Nowadays, the methods of adjustment are used for a much greater variety of geodetic applications, ranging from, for instance, surveying and navigation to remote sensing and global positioning.

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    Read more about Basic Statistics Using R for Crime Analysis

    Basic Statistics Using R for Crime Analysis

    Copyright Year:

    Contributor: Choi

    Publisher: The Pennsylvania Alliance for Design of Open Textbooks (PA-ADOPT)

    License: CC BY-SA

    Limited access to subscription-based statistical software poses obstacles when students want to apply the skills they acquired in college. Although students may learn programs like SPSS or Stata while at the university, they often find themselves unable to continue using these programs after graduation, making their acquired skills obsolete. As an open-source software program, R offers a solution to this challenge. It is freely accessible to anyone, including students, after they graduate. Therefore, I decided to write a freely available book for those interested in becoming crime analysts, focusing on learning statistics without delving too deeply into mathematics. Moreover, this book emphasizes practical applications by utilizing R for data analysis, ensuring students can develop relevant skills beyond the university. I hope that students can easily follow the instructions in this book and replicate the same outcomes using the provided data. This practical experience will demonstrate the value of statistics and R, ideally inspiring students to further their learning in these areas.

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    Read more about Introduction to Environmental Sciences and Sustainability

    Introduction to Environmental Sciences and Sustainability

    Copyright Year:

    Contributor: Harris

    Publisher: University of West Florida Pressbooks

    License: CC BY

    Introduction to Environmental Sciences and Sustainability is a college-level Open Educational Resource (OER) that focuses on the most relevant environmental science issues and addresses ways to incorporate sustainable practices. The text is designed for an introductory-level college science course. Topics include the fundamentals of ecology, biodiversity, pollution, climate change, food production, human population growth, and incorporating sustainable approaches in our communities, economies, and environments. This resource is targeted at environmental science students.

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    Read more about French OER 2

    French OER 2

    Copyright Year:

    Contributors: Carrasco, Zahedi, and Parrish

    Publisher: Palomar College

    License: CC BY-NC

    This course is the second semester of French. This elementary level course is a study of the French language and French-speaking cultures, with continued emphasis on the development of communicative skills and basic structures. The course combines in-class instruction with self-paced study in the Foreign Language Laboratory.

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