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    Mathematics Textbooks


    Read more about Statistics for Ecologists: A Frequentist and Bayesian Treatment of Modern Regression Models

    Statistics for Ecologists: A Frequentist and Bayesian Treatment of Modern Regression Models

    Copyright Year:

    Contributor: Fieberg

    Publisher: University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing

    License: CC BY

    Ecological data pose many challenges to statistical inference. Most data come from observational studies rather than designed experiments; observational units are frequently sampled repeatedly over time, resulting in multiple, non-independent measurements; response data are often binary (e.g., presence-absence data) or non-negative integers (e.g., counts), and therefore, the data do not fit the standard assumptions of linear regression (Normality, independence, and constant variance). This book will familiarize readers with modern statistical methods that address these complexities using both frequentist and Bayesian frameworks.

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    Read more about Elementos básicos de Análisis Inteligente de Datos

    Elementos básicos de Análisis Inteligente de Datos

    Copyright Year:

    Contributors: Jaramillo-Chuqui and Villarroel-Molina

    Publisher: Editorial Grupo AEA

    License: CC BY-NC-SA

    Este libro trata sobre conceptos elementales junto con scripts cortos de código basado en R Project para hacer análisis inteligente de datos. La relación entre la teoría y la práctica es fundamental en la comprensión de una disciplina, así la aplicación de procedimientos y funciones específicas en tareas elementales es el propósito de este texto. La idea central del texto tiene origen en la asignatura denominada “Análisis Inteligente de Datos”, una cátedra en la que el profesor aporta con elementos fundamentales basados en conceptos y ejercicios prácticos usando R Project. Hoy en día, la disponibilidad de herramientas para la minería de datos es sin duda muy grande. Usuarios con conocimientos básicos pueden aprovechar de utilitarios intuitivos implementados en poderosos entornos de desarrollo. Nosotros hemos querido dar un enfoque al texto hacia una audiencia con mayor relación a la programación y software. Específicamente que constituya una guía básica para estudiantes que inician en el campo de la Inteligencia de datos.

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    Read more about Procesos de producción de tilapias (Oreochromis niloticus) con aplicación informática

    Procesos de producción de tilapias (Oreochromis niloticus) con aplicación informática

    Copyright Year:

    Contributors: Macías-Véliz and Chicharro-López

    Publisher: Editorial Grupo AEA

    License: CC BY-NC-SA

    El manuscrito se centra en el desarrollo de un software para optimizar la producción de tilapias, abordando aspectos como el crecimiento, costo y rentabilidad. Utilizando herramientas tecnológicas avanzadas, se pretende facilitar la gestión de datos para los piscicultores, permitiendo procesos más eficientes, económicos y precisos. Los factores clave incluyen el peso, la temperatura, el crecimiento absoluto, el crecimiento térmico de los peces, y proyecciones mensuales de costos, producción y rentabilidad. El software, desarrollado en Java y utilizando la plataforma Eclipse, busca equilibrar agilidad y precisión en el tratamiento de datos. El trabajo se apoya en la revisión bibliográfica y entrevistas con piscicultores. Se emplea un enfoque de análisis de componentes principales y correlación de Pearson para asociar variables relevantes. Se evalúa la aplicación mediante datos históricos y pruebas piloto, ajustando funcionalidades para garantizar resultados fiables. Se destaca la importancia de interfaces amigables para usuarios no expertos en tecnología y se propone la expansión a aplicaciones móviles y la adaptación a otras especies de interés zootécnico.

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    Read more about Counting Rocks! An Introduction to Combinatorics

    Counting Rocks! An Introduction to Combinatorics

    Copyright Year:

    Contributors: Adams, Emmrich, Gillespie, Golden, and Pries

    Publisher: Henry Adams, Rachel Pries, and Maria Gillespie

    License: CC BY

    This textbook, Counting Rocks!, is the written component of an interactive introduction to combinatorics at the undergradaute level. Throughout the text, we link to videos where we describe the material and provide examples; see the Youtube playlist on the Colorado State University (CSU) Mathematics YouTube channel.

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    Read more about Un Análisis Científico del Ruido Ambiental y Laboral en Sectores Urbanos

    Un Análisis Científico del Ruido Ambiental y Laboral en Sectores Urbanos

    Copyright Year:

    Contributors: Astudillo-Martínez, Andrade-Bravo, García-Valdez, and Almenaba-Guerrero

    Publisher: Editorial Grupo AEA

    License: CC BY-NC-SA

    ¿Cuál es el nivel de ruido existente Av. Av. 3 de Julio y sus intersecciones entre la calle Ambato y la Y del Indio Colorado de la ciudad de Santo Domingo?, el presente trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo principal conocer el nivel de ruido existente en este sector de la ciudad, con el fin de determinar el alcance de su afectación y sobre todo sus fuentes, se realizó la evaluación correspondiente de acuerdo con la normativa TULSMA. y Decreto Ejecutivo N° 2393, aplicando la investigación de campo se midió la presencia de ruido ambiental y ocupacional, se requirió del uso de dosímetros calibrados y certificados para obtener información precisa. En esta investigación se estudió estas importantes intersecciones, siendo que, en cuanto a normativa ambiental sobrepasa el nivel tolerable con un diferencial de 10 decibeles en promedio, mientras que en referencia del ruido laboral esta intersección está por debajo de los niveles permisibles con al menos 9 decibeles en promedio, las posibles enfermedades subyacentes más comunes encontradas fueron el estrés, los dolores de cabeza que afectaban principalmente a la población comerciante permanente, y la actividad que mayor emisión de ruido produjo fue el tránsito vehicular, del mismo modo se identificó que el día que se produjo mayor contaminación acústica fue el sábado entre las 11:30 am hasta la 13:00 pm.

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    Read more about Introduction to Probability

    Introduction to Probability

    Copyright Year:

    Contributor: Baxter

    Publisher: John R. Baxter

    License: CC BY-SA

    This is an introduction to probability theory, designed for self-study. It covers the same topics as the one-semester introductory courses which I taught at the University of Minnesota, with some extra discussion for reading on your own. The reasons which underlie the rules of probability are emphasized. Probability theory is certainly useful. But how does it feel to study it? Well, like other areas of mathematics, probability theory contains elegant concepts, and it gives you a chance to exercise your ingenuity, which is often fun. But in addition, randomness and probability are part of our experience in the real world, present everywhere and yet still somewhat mysterious. This gives the subject of probability a special interest.

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    Read more about Polimetrics: A Stata Companion to Introduction to Political Science Research Methods - 1st Edition

    Polimetrics: A Stata Companion to Introduction to Political Science Research Methods - 1st Edition

    Copyright Year:

    Contributor: Franco

    Publisher: Open Political Science (OPoliSci)

    License: CC BY-NC

    Polimetrics: A Stata Companion, authored by Dr. Josh Franco, is an Open Education Resource workbook licensed CC BY-NC and designed as a Stata companion to Introduction to Political Science Research Methods.

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    Read more about Classical Numerical Methods in Scientific Computing

    Classical Numerical Methods in Scientific Computing

    Copyright Year:

    Contributors: van Kan, Segal, Vermolen, and Kraaijevanger

    Publisher: TU Delft Open

    License: CC BY

    Partial differential equations are paramount in mathematical modelling with applications in engineering and science. The book starts with a crash course on partial differential equations in order to familiarize the reader with fundamental properties such as existence, uniqueness and possibly existing maximum principles. The main topic of the book entails the description of classical numerical methods that are used to approximate the solution of partial differential equations. The focus is on discretization methods such as the finite difference, finite volume and finite element method. The manuscript also makes a short excursion to the solution of large sets of (non)linear algebraic equations that result after application of discretization method to partial differential equations. The book treats the construction of such discretization methods, as well as some error analysis, where it is noted that the error analysis for the finite element method is merely descriptive, rather than rigorous from a mathematical point of view. The last chapters focus on time integration issues for classical time-dependent partial differential equations. After reading the book, the reader should be able to derive finite element methods, to implement the methods and to judge whether the obtained approximations are consistent with the solution to the partial differential equations. The reader will also obtain these skills for the other classical discretization methods. Acquiring such fundamental knowledge will allow the reader to continue studying more advanced methods like meshfree methods, discontinuous Galerkin methods and spectral methods for the approximation of solutions to partial differential equations.

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    Read more about Numerical Methods in Scientific Computing

    Numerical Methods in Scientific Computing

    Copyright Year:

    Contributors: van Kan, Segal, and Vermolen

    Publisher: TU Delft Open

    License: CC BY

    This is a book about numerically solving partial differential equations occurring in technical and physical contexts and the authors have set themselves a more ambitious target than to just talk about the numerics. Their aim is to show the place of numerical solutions in the general modeling process and this must inevitably lead to considerations about modeling itself. Partial differential equations usually are a consequence of applying first principles to a technical or physical problem at hand. That means, that most of the time the physics also have to be taken into account especially for validation of the numerical solution obtained. This book aims especially at engineers and scientists who have ’real world’ problems. It will concern itself less with pesky mathematical detail. For the interested reader though, we have included sections on mathematical theory to provide the necessary mathematical background. Since this treatment had to be on the superficial side we have provided further reference to the literature where necessary.

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    Read more about Linear Transformations on Vector Spaces

    Linear Transformations on Vector Spaces

    Copyright Year:

    Contributors: Kaschner and Russell

    Publisher: PALNI

    License: CC BY

    Linear Transformations on Vector Spaces serves primarily as a textbook for undergraduate Linear Algebra courses. While standard Linear Algebra books begin by focusing on solving systems of linear equations and associated procedural skills, our book begins by developing a conceptual framework for the topic using the central objects, vector spaces and linear transformations. It covers the same concepts, skills, and, applications as conventional texts in a one-semester course, but students walk away with a much richer and more useful mastery of the topics. The book is structured to facilitate the implementation of the flipped classroom. The text features a continuous narrative to illuminate the big picture of the material and is written to help students develop their textbook reading skills. Also, there are “Explorations” scattered throughout each section; these are quick first examples intended for students to complete while reading before class meetings. Additional materials include section overview homework assignments and worksheets that can be used for in-class practice.

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