Open Pedagogy Workshop

Hosted by University of New Mexico


March 4, 2024, 12-1 MT: Introduction to Open Pedagogy Workshop
Zoom Link:
Meeting ID: 952 5179 5653
Passcode: NZS9xb

Date and Time:

Engage your students with open materials

Are you an instructor who is interested in developing more meaningful and renewable assignments with your students? The Open Pedagogy Workshop is designed to give faculty resources and best practices for integrating open pedagogy into their curriculum. 

Did You Know...

  • The high cost of some course materials can impede students’ academic success.
  • The cost of textbooks is rising at a rate of 4 times inflation.
  • Seven out of 10 students don’t purchase a required textbook during their academic career because of cost.
  • 60% of students have delayed purchasing textbooks until they’ve received their financial aid.

Open Pedagogy

Join us to discover open pedagogy and its power to make learning more inclusive.


See examples of open pedagogy in practice while gaining critical action steps, helpful resources, and key takeaways.

Attend the Open Pedagogy Workshop!

Registration for this workshop is closed.